Romeo x reader

2.1K 68 85

Requested by- @evalynandmarly

Goddamn, Romeo's got lotssss of love~
I'll be combining this all because.. well.. all three of you have the same request :)))

Btw, guys. I NEED YOUR HELP!! I had a challenge with my brother that if I reached 100k with this story on my birthday(SEPTEMBER 8) he'll buy me sushi(My fave). Please help meeee :>


"Master, what do you call it when I feel my face flushing red and my heart beating fast?" I asked turning to master

"It means you harbor feelings for someone, (Y/N)" He answered laughing while patting my head

I tilted my head in confusion "Harbor?"

"It means you like that person" He explained

I smiled in return then turned to Romeo "Romeo!"

Romeo turned to me drinking some watermelon juice

"Romeo" I repeated standing up from my stool then spread my arms with a wide smile

"I like you!"

Everyone's eyes turned to me, the 6 year old girl, who confessed to a 6 year old boy. Everyone started cheering and laughing which made me confused.

Romeo spat out his drink with pink cheeks then started coughing which made Macao freak out

I blinked innocently, turning to master who was laughing "Was it something I said?"


"I like you" I said staring at the mirror

"Hi (Y/N). What are you doing?" I heard Romeo ask walking inside the room

"Hi Romeo!" I exclaimed turning around

"U-Uh.. Hey.. About what you said earlier.." He said turning pink then started scratching his neck.

I giggled then brought both my hands behind me "I like you Romeo!"

He turned red then turned away with a small glare "I-I.. Need to go to the restroom!"

He then rushed out of the room which made me raise my eyebrow. My cheeks turn hot and my heart started beating fast so I quickly brought my hand to my chest "Oh.. I must really like him.."


"We're going to get ice cream tomorrow?" I asked turning to Macao while walking with him and Romeo. Yes, I live with both of them.

"Yea, you excited kiddo?" He asked smiling which made me clap my hands in joy.

I shifted my gaze to Romeo "Romeo, why are you quiet? You use to cheer with me.."

He turned pink then stuffed his hands in his pockets then shifted his gaze elsewhere.

I shrieked causing both of them to turn to me "R-Romeo hates me!!"

"E-Eh?" Romeo asked shocked

"Uwahhh! I like Romeo but he hates me in return!" I exclaimed stomping my foot childishly

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