Laxus x reader

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Requested by- @UnendingChaos

Omygod, I can't get enough of Yoosung's voice >_< Don't get me wrong, 707 is still my #1, but Yoosung.. Ughhh~ <3 I'm so disappointed for loving them both AT THE SAME TIME
.. I won't play any other route (Sorry mah Jaehee, Zen and Jumin)
Enough with the rant, Let's start the story XD

[3rd POV]

This is the year..

The year Laxus Dreyar is finally going to beat the (Mage power), (Y/N) (L/N)

Childhood friends? more like Dangerous rivals!

They were very competitive in child-like battles when they were kids. And by 'they' I mean Laxus.

Even though he was very cheerful and positive, He could not accept being beaten! Think of how much it would affect a man's pride to continuously be beaten by the same girl


The said girl turned to him with a blank face

"This year will be the last.."

She tilted her head confused

"This year will be the last for me to taste the bitterness of defeat. If I lose for this year too.. You win"

She stared at him blankly

"I win? On what?" She asked not understanding

"Idiot, You always beat- Nevermind!" Laxus fumed stomping away a little embarrassed

(Y/N) stared at his back before looking up to the sky "I don't quite.. understand.."

[Laxus' POV]

I punched the tree in front of me to release the built up anger inside me

"That idiot doesn't even know she's winning!" I yelled out in anger punching yet again a tree

I clenched my fist with rage
'Never have I felt victorious if i'm with her..'


"Laxus?" I heard gramps call

"Gramps!" I exclaimed with a huge smile before running to the bar and sat down on the stool "What is it?"

"There's a new member, she's the same age as you"

I felt myself getting a little nervous "Really? A girl?"

He nodded in response before patting my head "How about make her feel at home?"

I nodded cheerfully then clenched my fists in determination "Maybe even help her to get stronger!"

He laughed and shook his head "It isn't about strength Laxus, it's about the heart. Help her to learn the values of love"

I tilted my head with a disgusted face "Ew! Love? I'm only 8 gramps.."

[FLASHBACK#2]-[Age 8]

'Woah this girl is quiet..' I thought glancing to the (H/C) girl beside me

She held a stoic look, reading a psychologists book about people's feelings

"Hey, I haven't got your name yet" I spoke up hoping to make a conversation with her "I'm Laxus Dreyar!"

She turned to me with the still stoic look "(Y/N) (L/N)" as soon as the words left her mouth, she turned her attention back to the book

I stared at her a little offended 'She sure seems bored..'

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