Gray x Reader

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Here, another chapter !!!

Just popped in my head a few minutes ago so.. Why not post it ?? XD
Sorry if it's ugly !! :( :3

(Y/N)'s POV-

I was just walking around the guild looking for my good ol' pal Natsu, Then Juvia came in front of me looking at me with a death glare

"Stay.. Away.. From.. MY Gray-Sama" She said putting both of her hands behind her

"No! He's my pal, I'm not gonna avoid him, Please step away so I can continue my walk to find Natsu" I said looking at her with a dark aura but she just smirked and walked off

"I have a feeling this will not be a normal day for me" I said sighing and continued my walk

~Juvia's POV~

"Gray-sama !!" I called in a cute voice running to my beloved

"J-Juvia" He said looking at me surprised

'Ohh is it my new hair dear ??'

"Gray-sama, Look at what Juvia found out !" I said showing him the recorder I hid behind my back while I was talking to love rival, Then I showed him the recorder, he look suspicious of it but decided to play it


"Stay.. Away.. From.. MY Gray-sama !!" He looks surprised

"No! He's my pal, I'm not gonna avoid him-" I saw Gray-sama smile

-Please step away so I can continue my walk to find Natsu" When he heard it he frowns and gave me back the recorder and started to walk away

"Gray-sama! Does that mean Gray-sama will give up on Love Rival ?!" I yelled hugging him from behind

"Juvia, let go for a second" He said looking at me with a poker face

"Hai" I said staring at him surprised 'Juvia made a wrong choice, now Gray-sama is always frowning, better step up Juvia's game while Gray-sama's mad angry at love rival' I thought

Then many days have passed and I most certainly stepped up my game

~(Y/N)'s POV~

After many days with Natsu I notice that Juvia's a lot more clingier than usual with Gray.. He is my pal, right? So maybe I should help him, I know he's not enjoying it *Smirk*

Then the next thing that happened-

Gray called me and said to meet him in the park

Was not expecting that *Sweatdrop*

"Yo Gray!" I said waving at him and sitting on the bench

"(Y/N).. I want to make a deal" He said

"Sure, What is it? Don't tell me you want to prank Natsu again ??" I asked giggling

'There you go again, Natsu going in your head again' He thought angrily and jealously

"No, I.. Want you to be my 'pretend' Girlfriend" He said blushing a little

"Uhm.. Why ?" I asked looking dumbfounded

"Because Juvia is a lot clingier these past few days and I want her to be cutted off guard so I need your help" he explained to me

"What's in it for me?" I asked smirking

"Uhmm.. What do you want?" He asked

"Hmm.. Maybe later" I said waving my hand "So how long by the way?" I asked

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