Heartbroken! Sting x Cheating! Reader

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Requested by- @GrayFullbuster2017

Thank you for requesting :D

Btw, I need your help, dears.

A fellow reader has requested a "Tsundere!Gajeel/Laxus x reader" and I would really like it if you guys vote out of the two guys you prefer.

Thank you and have a great day :>


"(BF's name)?" I asked seeing my man making out with another girl

He quickly pushed the girl away and turned to me with a look of horror

"(Y-(Y/N)?!" He exclaimed wiping his mouth before he jumped up from his previous position and started walking towards me while I started backing away with a face of disbelief

"(Y/N), please! I can explain!" He said jumping to me and grabbing my arm causing me to glare at him.

I quickly punched him on the face full force causing him to fly away to the nearest wall and well.. fall unconscious.

I turned to the girl with a ferocious glare which made her whimper in fear while backing away while I walked towards her and grabbed hold of her hair and raised her up to meet up with her face to face

"What the fuck happened?"


"Ah~ So now you're with a new guy, eh~?" Cana teased before chugging down her barrel

"Yea" I said smirking before taking a drink of (Favorite Drink) "He's cool, hopefully, he doesn't try anything with me and also doesn't bore me like the others did"

"Quite picky" She commented while I glared at her playfully "So you haven't found the one you like~?"

"Nah" I said laughing before resting my head on my palm "Not planning to"

"Then what if.. The person who truly wants to be with you.. is also the one you cheated on?"

I smiled confidently before seeping on my drink again "All boys just wants to get in my pants. I don't think I'll ever meet someone like that"


I again visited the Sabertooth guild with a whistle, pocketing my hands inside my pockets while trying to find my other friend.

"Yukino!" I called waving at her while she brightly smiled and ran to me then hugging me

"(Y/N)! I missed you!" She exclaimed before letting go and smiling at me "Sorry that I never got to visit you. My guild's pretty busy with jobs, I'm also helping my friend, the master, cope with the stress his having."

"Oh? Maybe I could help" I said which made her smile

"That would be great! Thank you!" She said before motioning for me to follow her. We arrived in front of a door where we heard loud groans and stuff falling which made me sweat drop

"Sting? We're coming in" Yukino informed before opening the door to see the office filled with papers lying around everywhere while a blond guy was laying on the table looking exhausted

"Oh, Yukino and-" When he saw me, he quickly sat down on his chair and tried his best to tidy up his table "-a new person"

He stared at Yukino before mouthing a 'You didn't tell me there's a visitor'

She giggled nervously before introducing us to each other

"What brings you here, (Y/N)?" Sting asked intertwining his hands together

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