'REVERSE-HAREM!!!! (SpecialChapter) PART 1

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This is only the first part~

So.. It just means you'll have boys following your tail..

Yeay~ ! XD

[My POV]

Here, is where FAIRYTAIL is!

I was just skipping in town, I just got back from an S class mission~ Yup~ I'm a S class~

People was either waving at me or whispering to each other

Well, I was known in Fiore, cause I have like... (OneOfTheStrongestMagic) ? Hehe~ I was a very hardworking girl when I was younger

When I got to the guild, I saw Master making a speech

"-Tenrou island with other guilds! That is all brats! so pack your bags right now!" Master announced which made the whole guild run around crazily

"W-Wait!" I yelled trying to stop everyone

I then got angry about to attack who's closest to me but I felt someone put his arm around me

I looked beside me and saw Loke

"Oh! Hi Loke!" I greeted with a smile

"Hello princess" He said kissing my forehead which made me giggle

I then felt someone(S) gaze was on us, it was slightly scaring me, but I shrugged it off

Well, anyway! Loke is very nice, and that was his daily routine in greeting me

"Again Loke, don't call me princess" I said "Anyway! what's with the announcement?" I asked

"Oh! Master told us that we're going to tenrou island (Not dangerous anymore XD) later for a sleep over and camping with other guilds" Loke explained

"Aren't you packing ?" I asked him he then sighed and flicked my forehead "Ow! what was that for?!" I asked with a pout

"Hello~? Celestial spirit here~?" He asked in a 'DUH' tone

"Ohhhh.. Right~" I said nodding "Let me pack first" I said

"Can I help you~?" He asked in a flirtatious way

"If you are going to touch my clothes, no way" I said turning around then walking away

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Someone yelled so loudly

I turned and saw Natsu running to me then carrying me and spinning me around

"Hey~!" I greeted smiling

"Are you excited for the trip?" He asked with excitement

"Yup! But-" I said then going limp which made him carry me "-I'm too lazy to pack! dammit! If only I have telekinesis powers!" I yelled

I then put my hand in front of me and concentrated on the chair near me

I then gave up and breath deeply

"Nope, still can't move things with my mind" I said

Then Natsu carried me bridal style and my head put on his shoulder

"N-Natsu?" I asked surprised

"What? I just missed you doing that to me! remember when we were kids?" Natsu asked with a slight blush and a smile

"Oh yeah! that was actually comfortable and warm" I said which made him blush a little

"Oh.. (Y/N) I'm going to tell you something important when we got to Tenr-" Natsu was cut off by Gray carrying me off his arms

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