Makarov x reader

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Requested by: AnimeLover118118

Thank you for requesting~! ^_^

And may I add that the Request box is close ATM
I have writer's block so please, bare with me for my writing skills


I was sitting on my arm chair

Why? You ask?

Well! Of course! I'm the good 'ol master of (Guild's name)!

My guild is a proud guild

And here I am, the 2nd master ^_^

I'm pretty old now..

I even lost count on what my age is (Me when I get older😂)


"I wish I could repeat the past so I could fix my mistakes with..." I muttered, clenching my fist

"Master~" My dear energetic (F/N) said

"Hello Twerp!" I greeted smiling

"Master~ I found this picture! Who is this guy?" (F/N) asked showing me the picture I treasured for all these years

It was the picture of me and my first love..

That crinkly, old, arrogant bastard..

"Where did you find that?" I asked questionably

"Some box in the underground library entitled "Kinky shit"..." (F/N) said innocently

"Son of a-"

"Masterrrr!" (F/N) complained in a scolding manner

"Sorry.." I apologized while sweatdropping "But why are you looking through my stuff anyways?"

"We were just wondering.. If you had a.. love life" (F/N) trailed off blushing

"Wait.. 'We'?" I asked in disbelief

She then gulped while looking towards the window, I assumed thinking of a way to escape

I walked to her and pinched her ear earning an "ow" from her

I walked to the door and opened it with a glare

The loyal team of F/N was eaves dropping on us.. AGAIN

"Should I even count?" I asked scarily

"Run!!" F/N yelled  dramatically "Go on without me!"

I let go her ear which made her run really fast to escape my scolding

"These brats will never understand.. They are, in fact, still young" I whispered

"So~ Who's the guy, master?" My dear S class helper, Mike, asked

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said sassily walking away

"Alright, I'm just gonna go clean up the bar" Mike said happily with a close eyed smile

"but this is not over" he added with a scary voice

I quickly nodded, scared of his wrath..

I walked in my office and stared at the pic that was taken long ago..

"What the fuck happened to you, Makarov?..."


"Mira? Hey, is master Makarov single?" Mike asked while the other guild mates listened attentively

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