Loke x reader~

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I don't know much about Loke but i'll still try my best ^_^ Sorry to all Leo fans if I messed this up :(

Reader's POV-

I am in Fairy Tail, my name is (Y/N) (L/N), I was currently talking to Lucy and Natsu

"So, (Y/N), do.. you have a liking towards a boy lately ??" Lucy whispered quietly while nudging my arm

"Ohh Lucy, don't you tease me, you already know who.." You whispered back with a blush

"Well~ Want me to summon him ?" Lucy asked taking one of her keys which made me stop her

"D-don't !!!" I yelled at her

"Hey~ Quit whispering over there !! I'm feeling out of place here !!" Natsu complained

"Just go and pick fights or something" Lucy said with a glare which Natsu smiled and run off to Gray

"Lucy, I think I have to go" I whispered to her with a blush while trying to sneak away which made her grabbed my hand

"Why ? You guys are leaving me~" She complained

'Your the one who drove Natsu away' I thought then.. I notice I was too late.. oh gosh

"Hi Lucy-chan" Lucy looked behind her and saw the one and only, Leo the lion

"Loke ?! I didn't summon you ? How did you get here ?" She asked still griping my hands

"Well, My gate open cause I felt something tugging me, like there's someone that's important to me on the other side" He said with a smirk

'I-Is it me ?' I thought with a light blush

"And that's you Lucy Heartfilia !" He said while putting his arm on Lucy's shoulders and pulling her close to him

"L-Loke !!!" Lucy yelled with a pissed off face

My bangs were covering my eyes and I stopped struggling from Lucy's grip which made her looked at me, I gave her a sign that I'll be sad which made her nod and let go of my hands

"What's wro-" Loke was going to ask when he FINALLY notice me "(Y/N).." He said then he let go of Lucy and faced me while my head was down

He then took my chin and lifted my face up, I really saw only for a second that he was smiling.. But then it turned it into a smirk, which means he was going to flirt

"(Y/N)-chan, you are the-" I stopped him with a slap on the face which made the whole guild silent

"WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FLIRT ?!!!" I yelled then run off to my house which no one knows, I heard many screams from the guild but I ignored them all and run

Lucy's POV-

I saw (Y/N) run off out of the guild

"(Y/N) !!' I yelled

"That hurt" Loke said while holding his swollen cheek

"Loke" Natsu yelled punching him in the face

"Natsu !" I yelled surprised

"Why the hell would you flirt in front of (Y/N) ?!!" He yelled with an intimidating aura

I forgot ! Natsu was the pretend big brother to (Y/N) and she was Natsu's pretend little sister

"Hey ! What the hell's your problem Natsu ?!" Loke yelled making a magic circle

"Did you know I went up with the pain of seeing (Y/N) in love with someone else ?!! Most likely, A playboy ?!! Did you know that I love her ?!! But she still chose you ?!! Did you know how much pain I felt when I saw her cry like that ?!! You better make it up to her or that cheek wouldn't be the only part that's swollen !!" Natsu yelled his aura is a dark one

Fairy tail x reader(Under Construction/HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now