'Reverse-Harem~ PART 2

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Here is Part 2 lovely readers~! :D

Plus! I finally got 100 followers!!! Really made me happy!! :D
Always feel free to follow author-chan! I really like meeting new people ^_^


"Good afternoon to you students" Someone said opening the door

"Gray?" I asked giggling

Natsu then glared angrily at Gray for disturbing their 'Alone time'

"Heh, Looks like i'm gonna get stuck with you guys!" Gray said cheerfully while walking and squeezing in the middle of me and Natsu



"... Your shirt.."

[My POV]

I was drawing on the white board of the detention room boredly

"Detention sucks.." I commented continuing drawing the face of Sebby~

"You got that right.." Gray said boredly

"It would have been awesome if Ice princess didn't appear" Natsu muttered angrily but Gray still heard

"What did you call me Pyro?!!" Gray yelled standing up furiously

"Don't you have ears, Ice popsicle?!" Natsu yelled back kicking the chair to the side

"Children! I am concentrating here!!" I yelled at them both

Both looked at me weirdly

"Kyaaa~! Sebastian!.. Or should I have drawn Ciel?" I asked them staring at my drawing

".. Who?" they both asked dumbfounded

"Ugh! Non-Otakus are just plain innocent of what is going on with the world!" I exclaimed rubbing my temples

"(N/N)~ I'm bored~!" Gray said leaning on the wall

"Same here.." Natsu said

I turned to them both

"I know what to do" I said smiling

They both turned to me interested


'Three words, very harsh'
Was what the boys were thinking while staring blankly at the, once again, innocent-looking girl


"Finally! I'm out of the hellhole!" I exclaimed spreading my arms wide with joy

"It wouldn't have been boring if you had fun with us though" Natsu said putting his arms behind his neck

"Drawing is preferable" I answered simply

"It would've been better if Ash-For-Brains wasn't there though" Gray remarked insultingly while glaring at Natsu

"Are you blaming me or something, Ice Princess?!"

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