Laxus x reader~

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Don't be mad for my crappy writing ^=^"
It just popped in my head again and I just thought
"Hey, I didn't write a Laxus X Reader so, Why not write one ??"
Sorry dear Readers :3 Teehee~!

No one's POV-

There, In magnolia, is a very awesome guild called Fairy Tail!
The strongest guild of all! The most surprising is that, One of the strongest wizard in all of Fiore is there, (Y/N) (L/N)!
She has the power of (Favorite mage magic) with (Another favorite mage magic), She's even the strongest in Fairy Tail, Even stronger than Makarov himself!
Even sometimes Makarov thinks he could give (Y/N) the title of "master" of fairy tail, Everyone agrees.. Except one guy. It's too obvious who he is, who else? Of course the Master's Grandson, Laxus Dreyer!

~~Reader's POV~~

Another beautiful morning in Fairy Tail, Yes, You are very cheerful even though you have those badass moments ^_^ . I was sitting in the bar talking to Lucy and Happy peacefully, but then Natsu wants to fight

"(Y/N)!! I want to challenge you in a fight!" Natsu yelled

"Ne..! Natsu! (Y/N)-San doesn't have to be bothered! You challenge her everyday but you just end up losing!" Lucy yelled at him while glaring

"Aww Lucy doesn't want Natsu to be hurt by (Y/N)-chan again !!" Happy teased while putting he's paw in his mouth

"Shut up Cat !!" Lucy yelled with an irk mark

"It's fine Lucy, This is the last time for this week though" I said standing up

Natsu then ignited his right hand with flames and charged at me

I swiftly dodged and poked his shoulder causing him to shriek in pain

He was about to punch me with his other arm but then I blocked it with my index finger before flipping him and kicking him on the guts causing him to collide with the roof of the building

"(Y/N) made a hole on the roof again! Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed flying up the hole searching for Natsu

I then sat back on my sit and casually drank my smoothie while noticed some of the people near us were staring at the hole on the roof

"Hmm.. (Y/N)-San, I was wondering.. I-If you don't mind me asking.. Do you like anyone in the Guild?" Lucy asked looking at me curiously

"Yea, of course" I exclaimed smiling

"Who?" She asked

"EVERYBODY !!" I screamed spreading my arms wide but then she fell of her chair "Uhm.. Lucy? You alright?" I asked her worriedly

"Y-Yeah I'm fine! But what I wanted to ask was do you 'Like-Like' someone?" She explained gesturing something with her hands

"Oh.. Yeah! Laxus !" I said rather bluntly

"Really ?!!" She asked shocked "Even though he acted mean to you these past months?!" She asked shocked

Yeah, he really acted mean to you..


"Laxus! Hello? Want to get some taiyaki outside?" I asked kindly

But he just snickered and left his seat with a loud stomping

~Next Flashback!~

"Hey (Y/N)! Can you come here? I want to show you something !!" I heard Erza said which is sitting next to Gray who is holding a piece of paper

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