Natsu x Child!Reader PART1

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Requested by- @KaliHollman

Thank you for requesting~

This is going to be a two-part story~

[Reader's POV]


I was running away from the monster behind me

The monster known as Natsu..

"Get back here Y/N!" Natsu yelled playfully

I started giggling while jumping from table to table

"Ah! Watch where you're jumping you little shrimp!" Gajeel yelled pissed by me suddenly jumping on his table

"Look out Gajeel!" I warned about Natsu but he looked at me questionably before getting squashed by Natsu's foot

When I was about to run towards Gray, I felt arms wrapped around me, causing both of us to collide to the ground

"You little trouble maker! How dare you put ice inside my hot taco!" Natsu yelled while tickling me causing me to be in a fit of laughter

"I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry! P-Please- HAHAHAHAH! - Stop!" I apologized while laughing

He then stopped while laughing them squashed me under him

"I said i'm sorry~" I whined giggling

"Hm~ Alright, I forgive you" Natsu said pulling me up but then got punched on the head by the Iron Dragon Slayer

"You little runt! How dare you use me as a stepping stool!" Gajeel yelled in anger

"What'd you call me, Iron-head?!" Natsu yelled back letting my hand go and turning to Gajeel

I then giggled and walked away

"Hey Hey! You're apart of this, aren't you?!" Gajeel yelled pointing an accusing finger at me

"Hey Hey!" I yelled mimicking his voice "I'm just an innocent little girl, running for her life"

"Whatddya' doing running around causing chaos with salamander, at that age?!" He yelled at me

"I am 11 years old!" I yelled at him poking my tongue out afterwards

He then tched before getting punched by Natsu

"Leave her outta this, bolt for brains!" Natsu yelled

Gajeel then crashed towards Gray who was talking to Erza (Who was eating her special strawberry cake \O.O/ )

Then, that's where it all started~

By that I mean the chaos in the guild...


I sat on the cliff near the guild, looking at the sky in wonder

'What if i'm older? What if Natsu's my age..' I thought hopefully but then looked down clenching my fist

I then raised my hand as if I was trying to reach out the clouds

'Everything can change if i'm older... It's possible to be Natsu's-'


I turned my head in surprised to see Wendy laying on the ground while being shushed by Romeo before pulling her back behind the bush

"Ouy.." I called to both my friends

Even though Romeo is younger than me and Wendy, we still feel like he can understand us

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