'Reverse-Harem~ Endings

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Alright! After this i'll continue with the requests that has been piled up for more than 5 months already ~,~ I'm such an awful writer T,T Thank you for the people who still reads this ^_^


*scratch scratch*

"Don't scratch your cheek! The blush can disappear!" Lucy scolded stroking the brush softly against my cheek

"Not like I can resist~ How do you guys live with this?" I asked sighing

"And done!" Lucy exclaimed staring at her work in admiration

"If you're just gonna do that, Might as well buy a canvas and some paint" I commented staring at my reflection

"Hey it's already 3:45" Levy informed

I took my jacket and walked out of the room

"Let us head off to the Party!" Erza exclaimed walking in front of us

"Follow the leader I guess" Lucy said sweat dropping from Erza's confident march

I locked the door then ran off, walking with them. While walking and chit chatting, a yellow car suddenly stopped near us

Erza stepped in front of us in attempt to at least protect us, I glanced from her shoulder and saw..

"Laxus!" I called out waving and running to him and crushed him with my hug

"Yo short-stuff" Laxus teased before blushing when he fully saw your appearance

"What is it? Too cold?" I asked

He shook his head then opened his car "I went to pick you girls up, who knows what'll happen to you while wearing that"

The girls then went in the car, Erza glaring at him a little "We can protect ourselves" Erza commented before going in

I sighed then turned to Laxus with a smirk before going in the passenger's seat "How sweet~ Went all this way to pick us up~"

Laxus blushed then glared at me playfully

He then started the engine and drove off

I didn't notice the girls giving a knowing look to Laxus which made him blush a little then glare

I felt my phone vibrate from inside my bag so I took it and saw someone calling

"Hello Mr Playboy~" I greeted chuckling causing Laxus to narrow his eyes

"And hello to you too ms Beautiful~"

I blushed a tinny tiny bit but smiled

"Loke?" Levy asked which I nodded as a response

"I just wanna ask if you wanna hang out in the party?" Loke asked "I'm not busy with anyone"

"Eh? Sure! But actually, I'm gonna hang out with everyone" I explained

"Oh.. Then what time are you getting here?"

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