'REVERSE HAREM!!!! Extra chapter

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[Ey, this is the last special for the meantime ^_^ I'll be back with the requests]

I decided for some fresh air so I went outside

I was walking out the shore, not wearing any shoes so I can feel the soft sand

When I stopped in my tracks, I looked up the sky.. It was so beautiful..

But then I heard running footsteps

I turned and saw Hibiki in a cute.. (Symbol) pajama's

"Hi Hibiki" I greeted smiling

"Hey.." He said smiling then standing beside me

"Did you just woke up? You know it's 2 AM" I informed him

"well, I saw you so I thought 'Why not bug (Y/N) a little bit?'" He teased which made me push him a little

"Hey (N/N)" He said smiling

I blush from him using my nickname

"You look really cute when your blushing" He complimented while getting someting from his pocket "I've been meaning to give you this"

He then showed me a cute blue wrapped gift, I looked at it with so much love

He opened it and it showed me a cute necklace with a 

H <3 (First letter name)

I then smiled and hugged him

"Thanks Hibiki" I thanked him smiling

"welcome"  Hibiki said

"Oh, I gotta go.. But wait" He said turning me around then lifted my hair up

I helped him and he clipped the necklace around my neck

"There, I knew it fitted you" He said patting my head which made me smile

"Thanks again" I thankd him again while he just ran back waving his hand

I then sighed and looked at the necklace

'Maybe he's still awake' I thought about to walk away

"Wait (Y/N)! I almost forgot!" I heard from behind me

I turned and felt something soft on my cheek

"I love you" Hibiki said with a cute smile while he ran away again

I stood there blushing a deep red while touching the spot

"That idiot.." I said smiling then walking to the forest

I got to the cave and went inside

I quickly saw the figure of the man

"(y/n)?" He asked

"Hi Zeref, I just wanna drop by" I said smiling

".. I remember you.." He said

"H-Huh?" I asked

"You're the (H/C) female that helped me" Zeref said smiling

I then remembered..


"Is it really ok to stay here master Mavis?" I asked the ghost beside me

"Makarov gave you permission right?" Mavis asked

I then nodded

"Then let's go" Mavis said walking deeper in the woods

I quickly started jogging behind her

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