Lyon x Reader

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Reqested by- @AddzTrash

Enjoy Reading? :D Haha~


"Gray.." I muttered staring at him while Juvia clung onto him

I turned to Lyon beside me and saw him staring at Gray in anger

Well, here's our situation..

Lyon likes Juvia while she likes Gray.. And then there's me, I apparently like Gray

"Lyon~!" I complained waving my arms wildly. Lyon then grabbed your hands gently and leaned on to your ear

"Shhh.. it's okay (N/N), we'll separate them when the time comes!" Lyon whispered positively, stroking your hair

I then made a fist and nodded with a determined look "Right!"

"How cute, how long have you been going out?" Erza asked sitting with Lucy

Both of us blushed so I quickly pulled away from Lyon's hold

"W-We're not going out" Lyon corrected still blushing while I stayed quiet looking down

Lucy then walked behind me and pulled my cheeks "This blush opposed to your statement~!"

"Uwah~! Do that to Happy!" I exclaimed pinching her hands causing her to yelp while I giggled

"We have to go" Lyon informed nodding while both girls nodded back

Lyon then walked over to Juvia and twirled her around and started flirting

I made an annoyed look and ran to Gray and stood fully in front of him, blushing with a smile "We're gonna go back to Lamia Scale, visit m- I mean us later on, kay?"

Gray chuckled and patted my head causing my blush to deepen

"Gladly" He said in his deep voice

I saw Lyon leaning his face closer to Juvia, so I just jumped onto Gray's arms and hugged him"I-I'll miss you Gray.. H-Haha~!"

Gray blushed slightly but nodded and hugged back lightly "Yea, i'll miss you too"

I let go and waved at them, walking with Lyon out of the Fairy Tail guild

When we were boarded at the train, I sat beside Lyon and tapped his shoulder "Let me see"

"No" He said childishly pouting

"Come on~!" I pleaded tugging on his shirt

He dropped his hand from his cheek and showed me a bruise

"Can't you pick a less violent girl? She hurts you every time we visit them!" I complained using my ice magic to heal his wound(Yes, You are that cool)

"Says the one who picked my rival" He said looking away

"Well.." I said about to retort but can't think of any so I sighed "Sorry.. I just think Juvia's being a little too violent"

Lyon looked back at the Ice mage treating his wound

'N-No Lyon! You got over this years ago! You already have sweet Juvia and she has that bastard Gray!' Lyon scolded himself in his mind before sighing

"Yea, sorry. She's just so.. perfect" Lyon said blushing

He didn't see the annoyed look that came on my face but quickly disappeared "O-Oh.. Haha~! Not my choice to pick on who you should be with.. right?"

Lyon gulped and continued to stare out the window with the girl healing his bruised cheek

I kept glancing at his face to show any signs if he was gonna retort but none came

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