Natsu x reader

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Chapter 1 :)
I'm new here!
Sorry for some wrong grammars and typos
I'll try my best

[EDIT- 12/9/17]
-I'll be editting the early chapters-


Well, Hi~! The name's (Y/N) (L/N)~! You don't know me, but I know you!
Because.. *leans in* I am youuu..
I'll be here to serve you for the one shot book. Happy reading~!


It was a beautiful day in Fairy Tail.
Currently, I am at the bar of the guild talking to Mirajane.

"Who's your otp, (Y/N)?" Mira asked with her sweet smile

"(OTP's name), of course! What about you~?"

"(Natsu x reader)~"

I blushed with my eyes widen. I was about to retort but I got interrupted by the sudden slam of the guild doors being opened where Team Natsu appeared.

"Speak of the devil" Mira said with her usual smile before waving her hand

I blushed a little in embarrassment before waving myself "Hey guys"

"(Y/N)!!" Natsu quickly yelled before any of his teammates could even react. He ran rather fast ad engulfed me in a hug causing me to feel my heart pounding in my chest

I prayed inside my head that Natsu wouldn't hear the loud beats of my heart before turning to him with a nervous smile

"Hey, Natsu" I greeted while he let go of me and then plopped down beside me

"Mira" He called out then leaned towards the said girl and whispered something while handing her a small note.

I looked at them questionably, Mira nodded sweetly in response to him before walking inside the back of the bar.

I got a tad bit jealous and curious of their sudden interaction so I was about to ask Natsu why but he just ran off and left his money on the counter

Mira then walked back to the counter with a box in hand. She glanced around before turning to me with a smile.

"Uh.. mind explaining?" I asked staring back at her with raised eyebrows

"(Y/N)~ Can you give Natsu his cake that he just ordered? Apparently, Natsu already left" Mira explained handing me the box and a note on top of it

"Sure Mira" I agreed with a nod, but then took hold of the note and raise it to her line of sight "And this?"

"I remember Natsu whispering to me that he needed to leave quickly so he gave me this note to pass to you"

"So.. He planned to make me a delivery girl from the start?"

"Pretty much"

I sighed then nodded before staring at the note with furrowed eyebrows

'Why would someone even trust me with food? Much less.. Natsu! Seems suspicious..'

I opened the folded note and read the writing written on there

Hey (N/N)~! :) Go find Lucy!

'Was he just ordering me?' I thought with a frown 'Go find her yourself..'

I folded the paper again and brought it on top of the cake. I was about to leave it there but someone grabbed my wrist causing me to turn to the culprit

Fairy tail x reader(Under Construction/HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now