PART2- Gray x Alien! Reader

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Lolol, for the people who want a happy ending, here ya go :>
But if you think the part 1 is already satisfying, then okay :>

  Requested by- Rebel_Fangirl12

Thank you for requesting :>

Btw, I got the sushi ya'll! :> My bro was surprised because my readers were still supportive ^^ Thanks~! <3


(Y/N) ran outside the guild in attempt to avoid meeting Gray

But suddenly, she bumped into someone causing both to tumble down the stairs.

She quickly stood up and was about to apologize but was too much in panic so she ran away

"What's your problem?!"

Her whole being froze up

"Hey! I'm talking to you, you jerk!"

She shook in both fear and in longing..

Just.. one look won't hurt

She turned around and saw her.. once lover..

Gray Fullbuster

"Wait.. You seem familiar.." Gray said tilting his head

She felt herself shake in hope


"You look like the girl I met in front of the guild in the past" He said with narrowed eyes


She slowly bowed in apology before running away, already feeling the tears welling up in her eyes.

Gray stared at the girl's blurry form before turning around to face his team

"Doesn't she seem familiar?" Natsu asked raising his eyebrows

"I was thinking same thing" Lucy said looking up with furrowed eyebrows

"Well, we might've seen her in a job somewhere?" Erza suggested closing her eyes and leaning her chin on her hand

"No.. I don't think so" Natsu said with a serious look

"You're getting too work up with this. Let's just go in already" Gray said sighing before walking in

"But it hurts to not know!" Natsu complained angrily

Gray ignored him and walked inside the guild with his head low and his eyes dull

Because inside..

He was the most curious and hurting..



I sat on the ground with my chin resting on my knees that was pulled up to my chest.

I want to talk to him so badly..

"But of course I can't.. I can't do anything about it.." I whispered crying softly

I guess the only way for this to be solved..

Is to move on?


Why is this hurting so badly?

I massaged my temples in frustration. Both my brain and heart is killing me!

"Hey, you okay?" Lucy asked noticing my actions

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