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Happy New Year to all~!
2017 was a great year for me, a little hard but I guess it's apart of life :>
I hope all your 2018 will be better! Thanks for everything. The support, the love, even for giving me motivation!
I love you all!💖🎉


Gray Fullbuster

Hey, (N/N). Was 2017 good for you? A new year, a new adventure.. something I wanna spend with you *smirks* Well, for the start of this year, I just wanna say thank you for all the moments we spent together.
You made me happy and made me feel all sorts of emotions *Pats your head* If that was something I'd feel everyday, I'd- *blushes* I'd might as well.. marry you *coughs in embarrassment*
All I wanna say is.. You're the most awesome thing that happened in my life *Hugs you*
Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N).

💀Gajeel Redfox

Ouy! Shortstuff! *Looks away* Look.. I don't really have any gifts for you.. But at least *mumbles*
Huh? You can't hear me? I'll speak louder then..
*Breathes in* But at least I'm here to say all this stuff. Look, you made my life.. I guess, something I actually really enjoyed. All the scenarios I was in.. It never failed to make me feel.. *cough* loved and stuff like that *blushed slightly* Don't laugh at me or I'll- Well, I'll love you more.. Was that uncomfortable? Shut up..
Well, Geehee, thanks for everything. All the stupid things you made me felt was actually a good experience. Thanks and well, Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N).

⚡️Laxus Dreyar

Don't tell me.. did you jump when the clock reached 12? You gotta do that to reach my height, shrimp *chuckles* Happy New Year, (N/N). Being with you was a good experience. You really made me.. happy like I've never been before.. You're a pain in the ass *smirks* But.. I really like that about you.
I don't even know where you are.. but.. I want to try and find you.. *frowns* I want to.. finally touch your face, spend my time with you, or even go on a mission with you. I ain't going on dates, alright?
*Caress your cheek* But.. I'd spend my day with you.. if you ask *snicker*
*Smiles* That's all, I guess. Well, Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N)..


Oh, hey beautiful~! Sorry if I didn't get to kiss you earlier. I can do that right now though~ *Leans in*
Happy New Year, darling~ I'll be really sincere to you. I truly enjoyed my time with you. If I wasn't in the Celestial Spirit World, I would've always stayed beside you *smiles softly*
I wanna be someone who you'll lean on, who you'll run to if you get scared, who you'll find when disappeared. You just mean that much to me~
*Kisses your hand* I hope.. You have a wonderful year~! 2017 was such a great year because.. I spent it with you *Smiles*
Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N)~!

💙Jellal Fernandes

(Y/N) *Smiles* I'm really glad you're here. It's the start of a new year, are you happy from the last year?
I am, because *holds your hand* that's when I met you. You are.. the most precious person in my life. Of course, if you love something, you'll protect it with all your might *hugs you* I hope I'm like that with you too..
Thank you for all the memories I got to spend with you. From the moment I met you up until now *smiles*
Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N).

🔆Sting Eucliffe

(Y/N)? HEEEEEYYYYY! You here to read? Well look no further!
No, I'm serious, only read mine~! *stomps feet childishly*
*Laughs* Sorry, I wanted to make you laugh but that only made you think twice about me, right? Sorry.. *sweat drops*
Well, forget about that! *Hugs you tightly* I'm so glad you're here~! I really really really missed you~! *lets go* Thank you for being the coolest person in my life! You rock~! Yea sure, I'm a master and I'm always busy blah blah blah. But I'll always make time for you! And I won't do that for just anybody *Grins*
Thank you for everything! Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N)!

💜Rogue Cheney

Hello (N/N) *smiles* I'm so thankful you're here. Having to be with you on the start of this year signifies this year will be equally as amazing as last year *holds your hands gently* I don't want you to go away again.. Not being with you feels like a part of me is gone *frowns*
*pressing your hands on his cheeks* I'm sorry if I ever make you felt any kind of sadness. I wanna leave all the bad memories behind and make good ones.. with you *kisses your knuckles*
Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N)


Hm? Finally, it's my turn to talk to you *Walks in front of you* T-This is practically my first time talking to you. I've always just been.. looking at you from the side.. All I've been thinking was 'when will it be me?' *stops* *blushes* Damn it.. Now that you're looking at me directly, I feel so.. happy.. I don't wanna stop talking to you.. *sighs* But I can't do that. Well.. I hope 2018 will be a year I can be with you longer, and have a story where I can call you mine *chuckles* It feels do good to even just say it *smiles* Thank you and Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N).


(Y/N) *quickly hugs you tightly* I've been waiting for you.. I'm so grateful you finally came..
Thank you.. Thank you for accepting me.. *buries his face on your neck*
You are a wonderful blessing. You are the most beautiful and precious person in my life. I will never even attempt to hurt you.
You made me feel calm. That was the main reason why my magic does not react to you. Without you.. *sniffles* I-I wouldn't know what to do..
I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way.. Does your heart flutter too? Does your face turn red too? Do you think of me too?
*lets go* *presses his forehead on yours* I'm sorry if I'm being too talkative..
Thank you for everything, I lo- *HUSH CHILD* I-I mean, Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N) *smiles*

🔥Natsu Dragneel

Hey, (N/N)! It's a New Year now! How's it going? *grins* Sorry if I haven't been spending that much time with you! I wanted to countdown with you earlier but I know you were busy with your own family;;
I actually wanted.. to like.. kiss you that time, B-BUT I WON'T! *blushes*
Because.. Well.. If I do that, I wouldn't ever leave your side, and you might think I'm annoying *pouts*
But nevermind that! I just wanted to say.. thanks for everything! For being such an awesome person! For making me smile all the time! (For not skipping my chapters❤️) I hope you have a good year.. with or without me *Smiles* Take care of yourself, you got that?! *Hugs you tightly*

COUGH -Author2018

Go away! I ain't gonna say it!


I know if I say it, you'll end this! I don't want (N/N) to leaveee!


*Turns back to you*
If I say this.. It'll already end.. *tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear* I guess we'll see each other on the next chapter again..
I'll miss you again.. *Frowns* But I guess I can wait *smiles*
Happy New Year, (Y/N) (L/N)!


1.. 2.. 3!

"We love you, (Y/N) (Very much). Happy New Year! A new year to further spend with you *smiles* Thank you, see you later!"


Well, I'll be adding more if you guys request *winks*
Happy New Year to everyone! You all rock! All of you are awesome and I'm so glad for this story and all your support to reach 2018!
May health and luck be cast upon you~! Thanks everyone~!

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