Lyon x Neko!Reader

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[Here's a chapter that I wanted to do!]


Thank you for requesting!!~

[Nek- I mean Reader-chan's POV]

Here I am.. In my life.. Same old same old..

Hi! My name is... Well.. Hehe~ I'm an alley cat.. I was abandoned by my parents out on the streets ever since I was born..

I am currently walking out in the streets, trying to find food

I love having adventures, going to different places! Now i'm walking in this.. Abandoned town

It was freezing cold out here, but I always wanted to play out in the snow like other kids do..

I went inside a house, seeing a little fish inside

Then, suddenly...

"ROARRRRR!!!" I heard from outside

'Oh no..' I thought worriedly

 I ran outside and saw a huge monster there!

I ran inside again and hid under the bed

I was trembling in fear... Like when I was still a little baby neko..

Then when I look under the covers, I saw A LARGE FOOT IN FRONT OF ME!!!

I was grabbed by the ugly monster

It was scaring me to death!!!!

But then I felt someone attack the hand of the monster..

"Lyon!" I heard a female voice yelled

"Let the cat go!" I heard a child yelled

I looked down and saw a white haired boy yelled

The monster let go of me, making me fall to my death

People say cats have nine lives.. Do they? Guess this is the perfect time to find out..

I was getting ready to fill the pain, But instead, I felt hands catching me

"Meow" I said in fear 'Wow..'

"Don't worry.. I got you" I heard the little boy said in reassurance

'You got me..' I thought blushing a little

"Let's get outta here Lyon!" I heard a woman yelled again

The boy that was carrying me started running to the source of the voice

'He's name is.. Lyon? What a nice name..' I thought smiling

"Who's that?" Lyon asked while running

I looked and saw a woman with short dark purple hair, carrying a black haired boy on her back

"I don't know, but he's a survivor" The woman said still running

The child then opened his jacket and put me inside

"There, that will keep you warm for the time being" Lyon said looking down then smiled

I blushed from his kindness

'I hope you don't leave me, Lyon' I thought falling asleep


I then met Gray, Ur and Lyon. They were very nice to me! I finally felt a warm feeling in my chest again, it was fantastic! But then I heard that Gray ran out and went to find Deliora, the disgusting monster, so currently, we (Ur, Lyon and me) were running after him, but then.. In the end, Gray survived... But Ur took his place..


"It's all your fault!" Lyon yelled in anger looking at Gray

Gray was looking down solemnly

I was really scared because this is the first time Lyon got mad

Then Lyon kicked Gray's face

"Now how would I know if i'm stronger.?!!!.. She's gone.." Lyon said in sadness falling to his knees and covered his face with his hands

I walked slowly to him and rubbed my face on his leg

He looked down at me with tears in his eyes and a scary look

But when I looked at him with a few tears myself, he got taken back..

Lyon's angry face then disappeared and scooped me in his arms and hugged me

I used my paw to rub a little circles on his shoulder why he started crying

They both looked like they lost a parent... And I never wanted to make anyone feel what I felt..

I was so sad at that time because I see my owner and my friend both crying in sadness

'It's going to be alright Lyon... I'm here..'


Lyon left Gray after that to get stronger, I went with Lyon because he's my most trust worthy friend! The day was sunny, we are full of energy and is currently walking up a mountain

While we were walking up, Lyon suddenly stopped in his tracks

I stopped and looked up at him

He was looking down at me smiling

I blushed and sat down

"Say, I never named you, huh?" Lyon asked sitting down beside me then patting his lap

I went on his lap and sat on it while he was scratching behind my ears causing me to purr

'Name? What's a name?' I thought in confusion

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