Alzack x reader

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Requested by: @Darklyfaded

Thank you~

(This will be short! Sorry~)


"Yesss!" I exclaimed punching my fist upward

Well, guess what?

Nah, you will never guess it..

I won in the shooting tournament yet again!

It's sad that I don't have magic, but shooting quickly helped me get over it

I walked in the streets, holding my bag where my gun(It was like in Edolas, yes, reader-chan is very smart to invent this) and prize are

While walking, I saw a green haired girl walking with a [h/c] haired guy

"[Boy's/Name]!" I called waving towards the [h/c] haired  boy

"Y/N?" He asked surprised to see me

I ran and hugged him smiling

We were neighbors and childhood friends

"Uhm.. Hello?" The green haired girl said awkwardly

"Oh hi!" I greeted smiling "This is my boyfriend, [B/N]" I joked

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend" [B/N] pointed at me

The green haired girl then produced a dark aura and punched [B/N]

"B-Bisca~" He said anime-crying

"Hahahah!" I laughed pointed at him "Same old [B/N]!"

I then turned to 'Bisca' who was looking at us confused

"We were just kidding" I assured her giggling a little "I can see [B/N] is all grown up now~"

[B/N], who was now standing, quickly understanding what I meant, blushed

"S-She's not my girlfriend" [B/N] said blushing  more and looking down

Bisca then blushed and turned her head in the opposite direction

"You guys are so shy~" I teased "Where are you going anyway?"

"W-We're going back to the guild, Fairy Tail" Bisca explained

"Oh, okay!" I exclaimed smiling "I'm gonna go look around first"

"Sure, just look for this emblem" [B/N] said showing me his guildmark

"Alrighty then~ Bye bye~!" I said waving while walking away

I was in my adventure around the city for who knows how long!

Then, while walking, I saw something weird yet cute near me


I was in my new home, sitting on the couch, cleaning my gun

'I think this is more than enough' I thought looking at my newly cleaned gun

I then looked out my window and saw my reflection

'It's just like a mirror..' I thought smiling

I then stood up and walked closer to the window

I then pointed my gun and pretended to shoot people childishly

I'm sure as hell they think that i'm weird and silly, but I don't care unless i'm having fun!

I did a slow motion dive and hid below the window

I then popped up my head slowly and saw a girl there giggling

Fairy tail x reader(Under Construction/HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now