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Hello to you all~

I also noticed that I've been updating a lot slower..

I apologize sincerely ^^;;

It's just.. ugh~ School has been taking my time because it's almost Christmas so we gotta cram knowledge in our head faster -,-

But throughout my days in the school, I couldn't think of the next scenes for the next one-shot bur because of that

An idea popped in my head..


If you have time, just take a look at the new story I've been working on.

It's a lot shorter than my one-shot book because it's a Scenario-Book.

"The Worst Boyfriend Ever (Natsu x Reader)"

I really like the idea of it but of course I'll still try to update this book and my Fairy Tail various x reader one ^^;;

(Btw, don't take the title literally)

Enjoy if you plan on reading it ^^

And I respect your decision if you don't ^^

Thank you~! Happy reading, dear readers~!

Fairy tail x reader(Under Construction/HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now