Loke x Telepathic!Reader

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(Short announcement)

Lololol~ MamaYuki is happy about this book and was thinking about the future. When the book reaches 100, it will be complete :> Huhu~ I'll make a different anime one-shot book though,
Mind requesting the anime, dear readers? ^^


I was a 3rd year now

My last year in highschool before ascending to college


Who am I and what the hell am I talking about? Oh pardon me, let me explain.

Let's start from the beginning, I am (Y/N) (L/N), a 3rd year in Fiore High. Age 17, a senior. And well, has this secret that nobody knows..

I have Telepathy

Telepathy? Let me get my dictionary.

Telepathy- The supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.

In other words, Someone who can hear people's thoughts. And unfortunately for me, I have no control of this ability so I can hear everyone's thoughts at the same time.

You think it's helpful? I think it's painful. Having to hear loud whispers of sentences everywhere you go is really stressful.. If I could trade lives, I'd do it.

This was the first day of my senior year,  lunch break currently and am trying to walk breezily in this crowded hallway.

'Oh, there she is!'
"(N/N)!" I heard someone call. I turned and saw a blonde girl catching up to me with a sweet smile

This girl is Lucy Heartfilia, one of the few people who are actually speaking the truth and is sincere.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! The girls wanna have lunch with you ^^" Lucy informed 'Should I buy a sandwich?'

The girls? Yes, also the few I call as 'Friends'

"Alright, Let's go" I said nodding then walked with her all the way to the cafeteria

'Ew, she's so gross..' "Haha, you look so cute!"

'What is he doing? Should I leave?' "Oh dear, you're so cool!"

'I'm gonna break up with him later, he's getting boring' "Oh~ I love you too my wittle baby!"

I sighed.. This was what I hate about school.. Wanna know why I distant myself from people?

Because they say the meanest things about you in their head. I can obviously hear their real thoughts, and it is completely different from what they are saying.

'Thankfully, my friends are the few  sincere people in this large school..' I thought to myself with an annoyed look

'Oh no.. (N/N)'s making an annoyed face, was I irritating her?' Lucy thought in her head worriedly

I quickly whipped my face towards her with a sweet smile "What's your lunch, Luce?"

'Oh, maybe she thought of something different. Thank god..' "Some sushi only, yours?"



"I heard a rumor about Jumin Han!" Cana exclaimed with a smirk 'Yea, he kissed some famous idol~'

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