Gajeel x Laxus' sister! Reader

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Hey guys. I'm so sorry if I've been gone for like 4 months now.. I've just been having a scenario-block for this chapter.. I've written the other chapters though, I'll be publishing them day-by-day ^u^ Thank you for being patient~!

Also. Anyone here from the Philippines? Well, I just wanna tell you I'm always in the conventions held in SMX ^u^ The convention I'm going to next is in April 29, The Ozine Fest :> If you wanna meet up, feel free to comment or private chat me :>

To all that is attending the Con. I'll be posting a chapter on April 28 to inform what I'm gonna wear(dunno if I'm gonna cosplay lol). Please do feel free to talk to meee~! I would LOVE to meet you guys so much~! ^u^

Lastly, I'm working on a LEMON BOOK for Fairy Tail. Some chapters here are connected there, I'm really excited to finally do one! <I'm a starter there *cough*> Though.. I know a lot of stuff in that area huehue. If the thing you requested is not something I know, please teach me sensei~

[I'll make this short so I can continue the streak of update now xD]

Requested by- @Shizumi_Redfox_Smith



I stared at my brother who sat between me and Gajeel


I puffed my cheeks out and leaned on my palm "Nothing"

I peeked over to Gajeel on the other side of my bro, who turned out to be staring back at me 'Omg..'

'Why's she/he looking at me..?' Both of us asked in our head in unison before looking away a little embarrassed from getting caught

Laxus then sighed and raised his eyebrow, glancing to me then to Gajeel with a scowl

"Do you like my sister or somethin', Bolt Head?" Laxus gritted out with a scowl still on his face

"And what if I do?" Gajeel barked back with his own scowl

'This again..' I said in my head sweat dropping a little

"I ain't gonna let you have her" Laxus said with his still serious expression

"And do I care for ya'r opinion?"

I let out a small chuckle because of his reply which made a huge irk mark appear on my brother's head

"You should" Laxus said intimidatingly before turning to me "Wanna go on a job?"

"Sure~!" I answered with a smile, clasping my hands together which made Laxus smile

Laxus and I are actually only 1 year apart, me the younger one obviously.

Laxus is very protective of me because I was by his side since birth, obviously we bonded. But somehow he noticed my feelings for Gajeel and well..

Their relationship went to shit-hole after that

"I'll come too" Gajeel said outloud standing up

"Who gives you the right?" Laxus asked with a dark glare

"Yey! Now this'll be fun!" I exclaimed with a huge smile before pointing over to the bulletin board "I'll go pick one!"

Both boys stared at your retreating form, completely dumbstrucked. They both glanced at each other with a fiery glare before sighing

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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