'Reverse-Harem~ PART 3

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HELLO DEAR READERS! I'm very sorry for updating late! >,< I just forgotten what to write for Part 3 so I just.. well.. read stories and completely forgot about updating, lolol~! Anyways, after part 4, i'll make separate endings to all the boys :D Sounds fair? yeay!

PLUS! I edited the chapters before this so if you wouldn't mind looking back to "Yandere!Natsu x reader" I changed the kissing scene(and some other stories) and added two endings- Good and bad ones :D Look it up! Thanks!

Now, let us continue on with the story!


I woke up by the girls slamming me with pillows
And gosh, i'm glad Erza didn't join, i'll probably have broken ribs right now *sweat drop*

"wake up! We need to go to school!" Lucy yelled

"I have a hang over, leave me alone" I said putting my blanket over my head

"(Y/N), we didn't even drink booze.." Levy pointed out sweat dropping

"Eh? Then what did I drink last night?"

"That was apple juice, (Y/N)" Erza said in her towel

"It's not my fault it looks like booze" I said trying to sleep before I felt someone push me off my bed suddenly

I then fell with a loud "THUD" which made me sigh

"Why are you guys always here in he morning?" I asked standing up slowly

"We slept here last night" Lucy said chuckling "Don't you remember?"

"Oh yea.. Next time we're gonna stay in your room" I said pointing at Lucy

"Fine, now get up and take a bath already" Levy said pushing me softly to my bathroom

I giggled then walked in, I stripped my clothes off and hopped in the shower

Then suddenly, the door slammed open causing me to shriek

"(Y/N)! Gray is calling you" Erza said showing my phone to me

"Oh, please answer it, put it on top of the small table and press speaker"

She does what I said then left the bathroom

"Hi (Y/N)!!" I heard Gray's voice greeted

"Yo Gray" I said turning off the shower then started putting shampoo on my hair

"What're you doing?" Gray asked

"Taking a bath" I answered "Now what's your purpose on calling me?"

"Well, i'm asking in advance, what're you doing after school?"

"Nothing really" I answered taking my soap

"Oh.. then.. uh.. Wanna go out?"

I then blushed a deep red

"hang out or a d-date?" I asked shocked

"If you want it to be a date then yes it's a date, but if you don't want it to be a date then No, it's a hang out" He said blushing from the other end of the call

Both of us were blushing and kinda nervous, heart beating fast..

"S-Sure.. It's okay to be a date.." I said blushing before rubbing the soap on my legs

"Oh.. Then.. After school? I'll pick you up in your classroom" He said coolly, but in the other end, he was reading it from a hand-made script written by him last night and clutching a pillow to avoid stuttering

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