Acnologia x reader

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Requested by- Heiwana-Chan

Really sorry for the late request to finish!
Story will be possibly crappy since I don't know Acnologia very well
But I did read his wiki so I guess all these writings will be coming from there XD

Well.. Enjoy? XD



Has yet again feared me..

"Get out.. Get out!" I yelled clutching my head and closing my eyes tight

I was someone very dangerous.. Someone who can't be trusted..

Destruction Magic has been a cursed for me

I fell to my knees, feeling my chest tighten, knowing it means I will again release destruction to my surroundings..

I closed my eyes and started banging my head on the ground with full power "Why can't I just die?!"

Immortality isn't as fun as you think..

I cried when my tightened chest disappeared, I didn't try opening my eyes, knowing that my previous beautiful surroundings is nothing but a large crater now

I fell crying on the ground.. It has been over 400 years now.. Avoiding any contact with living beings isn't something I am fond of..

I was a demon created by humans, as far as I know

I breathed heavily.. Nothing can kill me.. NOTHING

I stood up shakily and started walking away, not daring to look at the crazy large crater around me

I sighed to myself and hugged my white cloak around me, feeling my feet touch the ground, melting it little by little

"It has been over 400 years.. Why haven't I just disappeared?! Why can't I just at least learn to control my magic?" I asked to no one in a low cracking voice, clutching my white cloak

I hate this.. I hate my magic.. I hate my life..

I did all the possible things I can to try to end my misery.. Nothing worked! I even far as to use my own magic to kill me, yet it didn't work..

I was moving around the whole world, trying to find something or someone who can kill me

I heard about the Black Wizard, Zeref and the Black Dragon of Apocalypse, Acnologia

I want to meet either one of them, I think they are capable of ending my life

I hope to meet him


I was on top of a snowy mountain, not bothering to heat myself up since I don't feel the cold

I stared at the lands beneath me with sorrowful eyes, knowing I can destroy this whole world with my magic

"I hope.." I muttered closing my eyes "I hope to meet at least someone who is strong.."

I buried my face on my knees ".. Anyone"

Like my wish has been heard, I felt the wind pressure go thick and fast. I felt a presence nearing this mountain

Should I run to avoid the presence? or should I wait to know if it was worthy of killing me?

I stood up and jump from atop of the snowy mountain, skiing with my own two feet, gliding through the snow covered ground

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