Special!- Zeref x Reader

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This is a one shot for Zeref from the first reverse harem I made
This starts with their past, then at the present and lastly at the future ^_^

Requested by- @AlySanSamaChanPanda

Hey, sorry! I don't think I can make all of them with each endings because I'm quite busy now, I hate schooollll Uwahhh~! XD

[Zeref's POV]

•The Past•

I felt the droplets of water trickle down my hair, down to my chest then drop to the river I was in.

"The water is quite calming" I whispered feeling the cool water soak me

I suddenly tensed up a little when I felt a presence going near where I was

I turned to the person who came and saw a girl with (H/C) hair standing here with steam coming out of her nose and her face was beet red

She quickly turned around "G-Gomenasai!" She yelled before running away

I stared at her questionably before sighing 'She must leave.. She'll be endangered.. because of me'


I walked to the same river I was in last time and laid down near it. This is the place that is most calming in this island.

I didn't dare to cover the wound on my arm, knowing full well this mere wound wouldn't kill me, but hurting myself can remove the thought of my sins that affected others..

"You're bleeding!" I heard someone exclaimed

I turned to the source and saw the same girl I saw a few days ago, ripping her white shirt then ran beside me and wrapped it around my wound

"(healing spell)" She casted, I felt my wound closing up and the pain subsiding

"you shouldn't have healed me.. I deserved this..." I whispered to her

'I killed many people.. I-I.. Can't live through this eternal life with that thought in my head..'

"no.. You don't.. Not anyone deserves to have this.." She said sadly

'Why does he care for someone as filthy as me?'

"I killed millions of inoccent people!" I yelled in pain

'She needs to know what I have done.. She will now fear me and leave me.. like everyone else..'

"Well.. Do you want to repent your sins?" She asked tilting her head

'Why would she ask that.. instead of run away..? I do want to repent..'

"Yes.." I answered quietly

"Then let me help you, I'll be staying here for about a year so how about be with me?" She asked me with a bright beautiful smile

'W-Why? Why would this girl do this.. for a monster like me? T^T Why is she showing me.. such a kind smile?'

".. What's your name?" I asked questionably

"Just call me (2nd name)" She said with her cheery shining smiling "Yours?"

'I-I don't deserve your kindness..'

I looked hesitant to tell her, of course.. "Zeref.." I whispered,

"Nice to meet you Zeref!" She exclaimed while I looked at her surprised then let out a small smile myself

'Why.. Aren't you judging me.. like all the rest of the people..'

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