Mystogan x reader

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Chapter 4, yeayyyy!

(Y/N is a metal mage)

I am currently in my guild Fairy Tail. While walking, I came upon Gajeel, He was like a big brother that I never had! Hm.. Why not talk to him? I walk towards Gajeel and sat on the empty seat in front of him

"Hey Gaj" I greeted smiling

"Hi Iron Head" He said and he earned himself a glare from me

"Can I ask some advice ?" I asked a little bit blushing

"Sure, lemme' guess, boys?" He asked smirking

I gulped and nodded "Well.. How can I let him know I have feelings for him?" I asked blushing playing with my armored fingers

"Well.. first things first, Who's the lucky guy ?" He asked smirking

"Don't tell anyone and I swear if you do tell anyone, I will chase you to the ends of the earth and kill you terribly, your spirit won't even get to heaven because i'm gonna lock it in a jar and play with it for the rest of my life, ya hear me?!" I asked having a scary aura wrapped around me

"Y-Yes ma'am!" He stuttered out intimidated

"Good" I said then leaned on his ear

"Mystogan" I whispered really low that only he could hear

"WHAT?!" He yelled really loudly, which made the whole guild turned their attention to us

I sweatdropped and laughed embarrassingly. I grabbed the back of his shirt and ran out of the guild

"Just meet me in the park in the afternoon" I said and got inside the guild soon after Gajeel came also


Little did we know someone was listening to our conversation since he very beginning

={+}Third person's POV {+}=

"Interesting" The masked man commented blushing silently

"Mystogan, what are you doing?" Mira asked sweetly from behind him

"N-Nothing" The said quickly said blushing inside his mask, but sadly, it was still visible to Mirajane. She walked beside Mystogan and looked down at what he was staring at and saw (Y/N) (L/N) and Gajeel Redfox, But what she heard was unBelieveable

"Mystogan" She whispered to Gajeel

"WHAT?!" He asked really loudly in shock

Mira quickly turned to Mystogan and saw he was looking the other way

"What did you hear?" Mira asked him

He started to walked away "Oh no you won't!" Mira yelled and grabbed him and ran inside the masters office

"Mira? Mystogan?" Master asked surprised by their sudden appearance

"Don't mind us master" Mira said sweetly and a close eyed smile. Then in a flash, Mira turned to Mystogan with a glare

"Tell me or I'll ask (Y/N) myself!" Mira said scarily

"Fine" He then sighed knowing Mira was already planning something judging from the evil glint in her eyes

<*>After explaining<*>

"Do you like (Y/N) ?" Mira whispered to Mystogan

He didn't answer, looking away like couldn't careless about what was happening but if you looked inside his mask, you could see pink tinted on his cheeks

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