Natsu x Child!Reader PART 2

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I'm back~! Hehe~

Anyways, back to the story~


I looked at myself on the mirror

I was wearing a short dress, it reached on my knees

'This is the biggest clothe I have with me.. And this is supposed to reach on my feet..' I thought sighing

I fixed my hair and called Wendy and Romeo


"Wow.." Romeo commented with a smile

"You look great!" Wendy complimented

"Hah, I'm finally older than you~" I said giggling

They just kept staring at me

I coughed which caught their attention

"Sorry Y/N, You just look so cool" Romeo said

"So this was your doing?" I asked implying both of them

They both nodded in unison

I then jumped up and hugged them

"Thank you thank you thank you~!" I thanked smiling

"Welcome N/N" Wendy said

"Here's our plan" Romeo said

I let them go and looked at them

"We're both gonna say that you went to your mother's house[Which is located in a different city] and your sister, which is you, went here to find you. But you both got seperated so your gonna stay for 2 weeks, which is when you bond with Natsu-san" Romeo explained

I looked at them surprised

"You both are geniuses!" I yelled smiling

"We'll stop everyone who wants to visit you" They said in unison

"Thanks guys, you're the best!" I exclaimed smiling


"And that's why i'm here now" I explained to the guild

"Wow... You look so much like Y/N!" Lucy commented smiling "I'm Lucy, by the way"

"Hi, my names [Second/Name]" I introduced myself

Natsu then magically appeared beside me looking at me closely

I blushed a little while looking at him

He then sniffed me causing my blush to darken

"Natsu, it is not polite to sniff someone" Erza scolded

"Sorry" Natsu apologized "That's why you smell like her!"

"Yeah.." I said smiling

"My names Natsu Dragneel! Please to meet a relative of Y/N!" Natsu said grinning

"Please to meet the friends who were taking care of my dear sister" I said

Then this continued on..


I'm currently talking to Natsu

"So you punched it?" I asked grinning

"Of course!" Natsu exclaimed proudly causing both of us to laugh

"Hey [S/N]" Gray greeted slunging an arm around me

"Hi Gray" I greeted smiling

"Uhm.. Want to go to this cool shop? It's a brand new-"

"She's not interested" Natsu cutted in

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