Chapter 55- You can stay

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"Hailie, don't freak out, we've arrived"
I took a deep breath. A few minutes till I would see him.
As we made our way to the arrivals area of the airport, I was unconsciously biting my lip.
My mind was quickly going through the two months that had passed: how I missed the boys in general, Ashton's lame jokes, Calum's attempt to flirt with Delly, Luke's awkward laughter. And Michael. I missed literally everything of him, even though it wasn't much time since I last saw him. When he was at home, I always had the security of knowing he was there for me, that even if I called him in the middle of the night he would pick up, that I could ask him to hang out whenever I wanted. But for these two months he was on the other side of the world, which meant sleepless nights to greet him good morning and early mornings to wish him a good night. I didn't mind having to stay awake, because that allowed me to at least talk to him. It's just that after a while we both got bored of seeing a 'fake' version of the other, a mixture of pixels and not a real person with his warmth, vibes, emotions. And I missed that.
When my siblings stopped, I did, too.
The sign 'Arrivals' was towering over us. Now we just had to wait.
Rydel motioned over to me and lightly touched my arm, which almost made me jump in surprise.
"Relax, Hailie. I see you're really nervous". I just nodded.
Of course I was nervous. I didn't know what he had done on tour, maybe he found someone better than me or simply figured out we couldn't work as a couple or got bored of me.
I decided not to think about that, the important thing now was to 'have' back my boyfriend.
"Guys, here they are!" Ross' voice snapped me back to reality. I looked towards the direction he was pointing to and I saw them. They were all carrying their luggages and had a backpack each on their shoulders. They looked really tired, but as Ashton noticed us first, their faces all lit up. Michael and I locked eyes and he literally threw his backpack to Luke, who catched it by miracle, and tossed his trolley next to Calum.
He started walking my way, almost running as he got closer. I did the same and finally we met. We stopped for a while, simply looking in each other's eyes not saying a word.
Then, almost suddenly, he hugged me really tight and I hugged him back straight away. I snuggled into his neck smelling his cologne for the first time in so long, while he was lightly stroking my hair.
We pulled back a bit and I could see his eyes water a bit, and I bet I was now crying lightly, not really meaning to.
He leant in and our lips were soon connected. It was nothing like the kisses we had before. It was like all my worries flew away, the distance that I had hated so much was now looking irrelevant because I finally got to stay with him.
He leant his forehead against mine and whispered,
"I missed you". He shred a single tear but was quick to sweep it away, so that no one noticed.
"I missed you, too" I sighed, finally getting to hug him whenever I wanted to. He pecked my lips again, then turned his attention to the others. He started greeting my brothers and sister, while I greeted the Aussies.
"Hailie! We missed you!" Said Ashton squeezing me in a deadly tight hug.
"I missed you all, too" I said hugging him back then greeting the other two boys.
I heard Rocky suggesting something along the lines of "Did you already have dinner?" but the boys all replied they were too tired from jet lag and not hungry.
We helped them loading the car with their luggages, then drove them home. Michael fell asleep during the ride home, whilst I softly stroked his coloured hair which I had missed so much.
As Riker parked the car in front of their house, they suggested that we could stay at their house to sleep.
The Lynches decided they didn't want to disturb and that they would go home. I was a but sad because I really needed to stay a bit with Michael, but I didn't want to be clingy either.
"Hailie, you can stay if you want" said Riker.
"Only if that's okay with you" I asked the boys. They all replied that there wasn't any problem.
"Michael, just-" started to warn Riker.
"Save it, Riker. I'm way too tired to try anything"
We all quickly headed to sleep and I joined Michael in his king size bed.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and lightly kissed my shoulder, pulling me close to his chest.
"You know that I love you?"
I hummed in response and turned around to kiss him.
"I missed you" I admitted for the tenth time in a few minutes.
"I did, too" he sighed.
"Now rest, you're tired". He nodded.
"Good night"
And I fell asleep in his arms.

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