Chapter 14- California Adventure

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As we arrived at the amusement park, Mark had barely the time to properly park when everyone hopped off the car. I followed everyone to the first ride, a roller coaster.
It's not like I'm afraid of highs or of roller coasters, they just don't look the safest to me. But I wanted to have fun, so why not be reckless with a bunch of reckless kids?
The ride had 4 seats for each wagon: Rydel sat in the first and Ell obviously followed her, then Rocky and Ryland entered, too.
So in the other wagon it was me, Riker and Ross.
Ross was already hyper and squealing like a little girl who just got her birthday present. It is true he is an adrenaline junkie.
When the roller coaster started moving I gasped but then enjoyed the ride.
"THAT WAS AAAWESOME" Exclaimed Ross just after coming down the roller coaster.
As we were arguing about what ride to do next, Rocky spotted a familiar green haired guy. He couldn't clearly see if it was really Michael or not, so he decided to call him.
"Hey Mike, is there any chance you're currently at California Adventure?"
"Well yes I am, are you freaking stalking me??"
"Relax dude, we're here too."
"Oh cool. Where are you? "
"Not really far, just next to the churros stand"
"Great, we're coming"
After a few minutes we saw Michael, Ashton and Luke coming closer.
"Hey guys, how is it going? Calum's sick so he couldn't make it"
Poor Calum. He might had gotten cold from yesterday's pool party.
Ashton pointed to a roller coaster which was even higher than the previous one and suggested to try it out. I soon learned it was their first time, too, here.
This time each wagon had only 3 seats so Rydel ended up being with Ell and Luke; Ross, Rocky and Ryland; I went into the last wagon left, I squeezed next to Michael and Ashton. Riker told us his head was quite spinning, so he preferred staying on the ground.
The wagons started moving and after a few seconds the ride became super fast and I felt a hand grabbing mine. It was Michael, who had really wide eyes but not in fear, he looked like frozen from the sudden boost of speed. I did the stupid thing of looking down and man, was it high. I returned returned his squeeze on his hand.
The ride finished after some seconds and when the wagons stopped, Michael's eyes fell on our still intertwined hands and pulled his away blushing slightly. I chuckled and got off the roller coaster.
After that everyone needed some time to let the adrenaline fade away, so we sat in the shadow sipping a milkshake.
Luke and I started talking, then he randomly asked me for your number.
"I mean, you are pretty cool and we already have the others' numbers so... yeah" he said, not looking embarassed though.
"Sure!" I replied and then told him my number, which he saved on his phone.
The day quickly came to an end and we had to go back to our houses.
The car ride back home was way way way much calmer than the one we did in the morning: everyone was tired and didn't have any further energy to waste.
We had dinner at Chipotle since no one had remembered to go shopping the day before.
I headed to my room as soon as we arrived home and quickly changed.
I fell asleep quite quickly, but not after having thought about my wonderful day. If only I got to share it with Connor...

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