Chapter 56- They'll be mad

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I woke up before anyone else, and to let the boys rest a bit, I decided to set everything up for lunch, already, since it was almost 1pm and they still weren't up.
When the table was set, I decided to go back into the bed to cuddle. Me being my reckless self, I woke Michael up.
"Morning" he said in a raspy voice. 
"Morning. Sorry for waking you up"
"Doesn't matter" he said snuggling closer to me, "What time is it? "
"1pm". He groaned.
"'m tired"
"Are you free today?"
He hummed in response, nodding.
"Then you can sleep all day long"
"But I wanted to stay with you" he pouted.
"We will have plenty of time to stay together. You really should rest." I reminded.
He sneaked an arm around my waist.
"What about we wake the others up?" He suggested smirking.
"They'll be mad"
"There's the fun"
"Ashton is going to kill us"
"Nah, only me. As if I care" he laughed.
I sighed, "Alright. What's the plan?"
He told me quietly, then we got up, suffocating a giggle.
We went into the living room, where the boys' bedrooms were opening.
We looked at each other, then Michel counted to three, then nodded.
"DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN??" We both yelled, earning a string of curses from the three sleepy heads. We ran into Michael's room and locked the door. 
"It's not funny!!" Yelled Ashton slamming his fists on the door.
My boyfriend and I were dying laughing, and I would have liked to see the others' expressions.
I carefully opened the door and came out.
Calum started, "You two-"
"Calum you don't insult girls" I smirked. 
"Fine. Michael, you're a dìckhead"
"I try" he shrugged laughing.
"I used to like that song" whined Luke. "Do you wanna build a snowman? Seriously, guys?" Asked Ashton in disbelief. He then started laughing,
"You're all crazy".
"By the way, who set the table up?" Asked Luke.
"I did" I answered,"I woke up early"
"Then you're forgiven. Thanks".
I smiled.
"Do you think we could invite the Lynches over? We need to catch up on a lot of stuff" he noticed.
"Absolutely! I'm calling Ryland" said Calum taking out his phone.
"I'm not cooking" said grumpily Ashton.
"Good" sassed Luke, earning a playful slap on the back of his neck.
"I can make some pasta, if that's okay" I offered.
"Hell yeah, it's been ages since I've eaten some" cheered Michael.
"And you're Italian, so it's gonna be amazing" added Ash. I laughed.
"Alright.  We'll need tons of pasta for the hungry 11 of us" noticed my boyfriend.
"Ten. Ellington has a family meeting or whatever" corrected Calum, who had just finished his phone call.
"Oh ok. That's a pity" I replied pulling out the things I needed to cook the pasta.
My siblings arrived just as the pasta was ready, so we started eating soon after.
"It's nice to have you guys back" said Ross happily.
"I know right" answered the curly Aussie cheekily.
It looked like our four friends never went away but for the new range of interesting stories they had experienced on tour.
Halfway through one of Calum's endless stories, Riker received a text and quickly shoved his phone in his pocket after having read it.
Just when lunch was over, everyone spread into the house: some were watching television, some were outside in the backyard or being showed gadgets bought in Japan.
I was part of this last option, for Michael wanted to give me a stuffed
Pokémon which, he said, reminded him of me.
Riker knocked on the open door, as if to ask if he was disturbing us.
We turned our attention to him.
"Michael can I talk to you in private?"

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