one :: maya meets war

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This is a AU which means it's the same characters from gmw except they're in a different world. In my story Maya, Riley, Lucas, and Farkle are all Seniors in High School.

WARNING: This story contains alcohol, drugs, violence, and cussing.


It's been a month since my mom died, leaving me with nothing. She always tried so hard to keep me happy, now that she's gone I have no one except for my father. God knows when he will come for me.

I secretly hoped that Shawn would come to my rescue. But he didn't. What did I expect, he's not my father.

Mr, and Mrs. Mathews said I could stay for a while before leaving for college. I stay with Riley in her room, one side happy and filled with stuffed animals, and my side filled with sadness and dark colors. Me and Riley are polar opposites, but I guess that's what brings us together.

Today was the first day back from fall break. I hate going to school, the same place for years, at least its almost over. I barely went to school when we weren't on break.

I thought today would be easier, and that I could finally begin to become myself again. I wore little makeup, curled my hair making sure to part it in the middle and got dressed.

I put on a short black dress with white accents and black knee high socks paired with white combat boots.

"Hey, Maya." Riley smiled at me. She looked my outfit up and down before playfully replying, "Yes!"

I laughed for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"We better hurry up if we want to meet Lucas at the subway," Riley rushed me.

Of course she wanted to see Lucas, she was hopelessly in love with him. They never really dated, but it was pretty obviously they both liked each other.


All the way to the subway Riley was telling me her whole plan on getting Lucas' number. She had steps and everything.

Step 1: Say "Hi"- simple, but effective.

Step 2: Ask him how is day has been.

Step 3: Ask him for his number.

Easy right? But not with Riley, we all know she gets herself into big trouble.

We walked onto the subway Lucas sitting in his usual seat. His green eyes shined bright against his tan skin, and his hair messy and off his forehead. He smiled as we walked in, showing off his pure white teeth.

"Hi Lucas." Riley nervously smiled.

Step 1 done.

"I'll leave you two alone." I smirked leaving them alone.

I stood holding the subway pole, hearing only laughs coming from Riley. And oddly I felt a weird pang in my chest that i've never felt before.

Later that day....

"Okay class," Mr Mathews said, "We are starting a new unit on War. Yes, we've talked about this before. But I want you to strategize and think like a military leader, and defend your side against the class."

"But what about the other side?" Lucas asked from behind me.

"Good question Mr Friar, this assignment you will be paired up with a partner, and a war. You will get to decide which side you are. Be prepared to speak about your side."

"Do we pick partners?" Riley asked looking directly at me and we smirked.

"No," Mr Mathews said and the class groaned, "This hat will." He pulled out a Red Sox cap and held it out to Riley, "Who ever you pick is your partner."

Riley reached into the hat and pulled out her paper. She read it out loud, "My parnter is Dave."

"Yes!" Dave yelled making me laugh.

"Maya," Mr Mathews held out the hat to me.

I reached in a unfolded my paper which said in scribbled handwriting;

Lucas Friar.

"Who's your partner, Maya?" Riles asked.

"Huckleberry." I said looking back at Lucas, who had a huge smile on his face.

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