nine :: maya meets detention

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A/N: I wish I could upload my vine edits from my camera roll but I would have to upload it to YouTube. Thats too much work lol.

Try me," I smirked.

Lucas seemed uncomfortable as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt showing a large scar spanning from his shoulder to the back of his elbow.

"What's that from?" I said softly tracing my finger tips over the scar.

"My life isn't as perfect as everyone thinks," he began, "My mom was a drunk, and a druggie. My dad never left with me becuase he was blinded by his love for who she used to be. One nights she was drinking and she wanted to through her glass beer bottle into the trash can. But somehow it hit me. A huge peice of glass was stuck in my skin. And my dad decided to leave my mom. That's around the time back in Texas when I got expelled. My dad and I saw this as a fresh start."

I stroked his skin with my hand, "I guess I'm not the only one who's broken."

He grabbed my hand and he placed it against his heart that was beating rapidly, "This is how you make me feel, Maya."

I blushed and looked at the ground.

"I really like you, Maya." He said and I looked up at the blue eyed cowboy.

"I like you too, Lucas." I said nonchalantly.

"Maya, you don't understand.." I cut him off.

"I understand that my best friend is in love with you." I told him, "And I don't want to hurt her feelings."

"Riley doesn't love me," He simply said, "I found out a while ago. It just came to me, Riley doesn't love me. She loves the thought of me."

I agreed with him by slowly nodding.

"I've never felt like this, Maya. And I refuse to believe that you don't feel the same."

"Of course I feel the same Lucas." I said, "I have ever since we went to that party. But at the time you didn't want to hurt Riley, and you talked sense into me. You and Riley have too much history. Now that you've forgotten I guess I have to talk some sense into you...

"At home you have a girl who loves you Lucas. You've always loved her, I was always there but you loved her. And for a good reason too. I've been selfish in wanting to be more than just friends with you. But I imagined the look on Riley's face when she sees you. And I imagined how you looked at her. I was always there Lucas, how come you just now notice me?" I finished my speech.

"Maya, it's not like that." He said.

"But it is." I shrugged.

"How can I show you that what I'm feeling for you isn't just a friendship?" He begged.

"Will you be there for me on Monday? When we're back to school and you have Riley." I said.

"Of course, Maya."


We left that store that day. We talked about art, music, our friends, even the day we were voted best couple.

We went to the motel happy. I was tired and ready to sleep. So when we got there I couldn't care less that Lucas was sharing the same bed as me.

But in a weird way, it felt nice to feel the body heat of Lucas right next to me. Or to hear his breathing that always reminds me that he hasn't left.

Hopefully he feels the same.

The whole car ride home I was sleeping. I felt as if the day before was a whole lifetime. We went to a party, fought, made up, hide in a motel, spend hours in the pool, have a fancy dinner, and just pure fun.

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