thirty :: maya meets mama friar

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A/N: Chapter 30 already? I wanna thank you all for reading, it really inspires me to make this story great for you guys! xoxo Katie


"I trust you, more than anything," I told Lucas, "No matter how much I tease you, and drive you insane- I really think your strong."

Lucas smiled and looked up at me, "I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone else."

"What?" I asked getting excited.

"I think you should meet my mom." He said seriously looking me straight in the eyes, "Granted she will probably bring embarrassing family photos and memories, but I think it's time."

I smiled ear to ear, "I would love to meet Mama Huckleberry."

"That reminds me," Lucas said grabbing my hand, "we never celebrated Thanksgiving."

I laughed, "That was during our depressed days of being alone and filled with teenage angst."

"But at least we got Christmas." Lucas cheered.

"You know what's even better? Christmas break. Two weeks, no school, just me and you." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"How can Christmas break be better than actual Christmas?" Lucas scoffed, "We are going to have the best Christmas known to man."

"I've never liked Christmas. My mom usually could never afford good presents. So while everyone else's moms were saying how excited they should be, mine was saying not to get my hopes up." I explained.

"This year, will be different." Lucas grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him, "You'll have me."

"Yeah, I will." I said making me feel a whole lot better.

"After Christmas we should take a road trip, how amazing would it be to wake up somewhere other than New York." Lucas said with such excitement in his voice.

"Ya, that would be really nice." I smiled at him. I really did miss the times where Lucas and I would just talk and not have to worry about anyone else. These moments are the ones I treasure. The heartfelt conversations, and me learning more about him. In these tiny moments I seem to adore him even more.

Lucas' lips got closer to mine, they slightly touched my nose before kissing me. It felt nice to have his lips on mine again. The kiss escalated to a make out session as I jumped so his arms could wrap around my waist holding me up.

He brought me to the bed and he laid me down with his body on top of mine. He lifted up my shirt slightly so that his fingers could caress my skin. His fingers were soft against my stomach and I wanted him to feel more of me.

He was about to lift up my shirt when the door bell rang.

Lucas groaned before getting off of me. I laughed as he went to go see who was at the door.

I heard Lucas' fit hit our wood floors before I heard him open the door.

"Lucas!" I loud voice came from my living room.

My curiosity got the best of me and I got up from my comfortable bed and went to see who was at the door.

I turned to see a woman. She had to be Lucas' mother, you could tell by her striking green eyes and her smile. She seemed amazing, I don't know why Lucas wanted to stay in Texas.

"You're Riley Matthews right?" She said to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows, why would she think I'm Riley?

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