seven :: maya meets just "friends"

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His words sunk into me. I know he loves Riley. So why did I let myself think this was more than just one kiss? People kiss all the time and it means nothing. 

"Maya," Lucas said sympathetically like he always does.

"Stop doing that." I spat.

"Doing what?"

"Pitying me. I don't need your pity." He obviously knew I liked him and my feelings weren't reciprocated. 

"That's not what I meant." Lucas said. We were silent as my heart broke more and more by the second, "Let's just be friends and take it day by day."

"What do you mean by that?" I said my heart about to burst.

"I don't want us to rush anything. I don't want to hurt Riley if we aren't sure about our feelings." Lucas explained.

I had to admit that he was being extremely sweet, and caring of me and my best friend's feelings.

"Okay," I sighed.

"Okay?" Lucas smiled.

"Guess what?" I smirked trying to lighten the mood. I couldn't handle anymore deep conversations with Huckleberry tonight.

"What?" He smiled back.

"It's Friday, which means we have the whole weekend to do whatever we want." I said dramatically.

"Who said I wanted to go with you?" He teasingly replied.

I fake gasped, "Lucas Friar!"

"I was joking, of course I'll hang out with you this weekend." He laughed.

I can't believe how fast our mood can change from being at each other's throats to teasing each other.

"Where are we off to?" I said making my way to the car.

"What about the party?" Lucas asked pointing back at the loud building behind us.

"It's not really my scene anymore." I said referring to when we first talked about the party from last night.

We climbed into his beat up truck as I turned up the radio and we cruised down the roads. We never said where we were going. But we didn't need to. All we knew is that if we had each other, everything would be fine.

I listened to the familiar song on the radio and couldn't help but sing out the lyrics.

"I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying be lately. All I gotta do is think of me and a piece of mind." I sang and Lucas' eyes turned my direction and he looked at me in awe, "I don't wanna be anything other than me."

I sang the rest of the song not caring that Lucas was there, or that people we were passing down the street would hear me. I felt free to be me, and that's how being with Lucas was.

After the song ended Lucas cheered, "How come you never told me you could sing?"

"I've always loved music, I've just always been shy about it." I answered staring out into the endless road.

"Maya Hart? Shy?" Lucas teased, "You were the bravest girl I knew until..."

"Until three months ago." I finished his statement.

"Sorry Maya."

"Its not your fault, I'm done trying to pretend it didn't happen. Because it did, and it changed me."

Lucas smiled sincerely and looked back on the road as we both sung to the radio.


Before I knew it the rain was drowning us and we had no choice but to stop somewhere. We pulled into a motel. Lucas wrapped his jacket over my head as an umbrella. We walked into the lobby our clothes soaking wet.

"Hello, welcome to Choice Motel, how can I help you." The worker winked at me. He was actually really cute. His brown eyes and brown hair fit him perfectly.

Lucas protectively wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him.

Isn't that a bit much for being "friends" Ranger Rick?

"We want one night and a two bed bedroom please." Lucas said politely, but his tone was also very tense.

"We only have a one bed room, don't worry it's a made for three people so you can easily fit." He said looking straight into my eyes making me smirk.

Lucas was obviously jealous, why not tease him a bit more.

"So," I looked at the worker's name tag, "Caleb, do you recommend any massages, or spa related things?" I said flirtatiously.

"We have it all, sweet heart." He winked once again.

"Is clothing optional in the sauna?" I said on the verge of laughing.

Lucas pulled my hair making me laugh, "Give our keys please, now." He rushed.

Caleb gave him his eyes as Lucas dragged me to our room. I thought it was funny, Huckleberry clearly didn't.

He unlocked the door and we went inside. Lucas let me go and I sat on the bed.

"What the hell was that?" Lucas yelled.

"Why does it matter Lucas, we are after all just friends." I teased.

"Dammit Maya," Lucas cussed and I was shocked, "I don't like you doing that."

I stood up dramatically, "Why does it matter to you? I thought you loved Riley!"

"I do," He let out a frustrated sigh, before looking down at my arm, "What's wrong with your arm?"

"Well you kept yanking on it."

"Maya, I'm so sorry." He gushed.

"Stop apologizing, you didn't mean to hurt me." I sat back on the bed.

"I should've been more careful." He says sitting beside me. "And so should you. That was a stranger and he could've been a creep."

"We fight too much." I looked up at Lucas and be looked perfectly in this lighting. His chiseled jaw line and his bright eyes, Lucas didn't know how much I thought about his features.

"Hey, I heard there's an inside pool here." Lucas changed the subject and I smiled.

"What will we wear?" I asked.

"I'll wear my boxers because they're practically the same length as swim trunks." Lucas said.

"I guess i can wear my underwear and maybe your shirt?"

"Sure." Lucas smiled.

I wondered what was too far in his mind. What was a betrayal to Riley and what wasn't. For me, everything was. But he was too intoxicating. It was like finally having everything you dreamed of. And that selfishness kept me from stopping it.


I changed in private and mentally thanked myself for wearing matching underwear. When I slipped on Lucas's shirt it smelled like him. And I really found comfort in it.

I walked out and saw Lucas. He eyed me up and down as I took in his body. His skin was perfectly tan compared to my porcelain skin. His boxers were plain, and his abs were very noticeable but not too buff. They were perfect. He was perfect.

I snapped out of my stare, "You ready?"

Lucas nodded.

We headed down the hallway discussing our favorite artists, his being all country, and mine being rock. Once we reached the empty pool I set down my towel.

"You're going to hate this." Lucas warned me.

"What do you mean-" I got cut off by Lucas grabbing a hold of my petite body as he pushed me down into the water with him.

The warm water felt nice on my skin. I lifted my head out of the water to see Lucas watching my every move.

"You're beautiful, you know that Maya?" Lucas whispered.

I blushed, "I don't feel like it sometimes."

"I just think you don't realize it."

"There's nothing to realize, every one likes Riley." I looked down.

Lucas frowned, "Riley's great, but Riley's not you."

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