twenty-nine :: maya meets drunken love

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A/N: Thank you so much for 60k!

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I couldn't just let Lucas leave? What kind of girlfriend would I be to just let him walk away?

I grabbed my car keys and headed into my car. I drove around our neighborhood looking for his blue pick up truck. I could tell which one was his from the indent in the bumper.

I finally saw his car in the parking lot of a bar. A bar? I knew Lucas liked beer, but I never thought he would go out to a bar- especially being under age.

I got out of the car and into the cool air. The cold was unbearable until I finally walking into the warm bar.

My nose felt warm from the sudden temperature change.

I walked around the bar before spotting Lucas. He was at the bar his back facing me, he was slumped over with a drink in his hand.

"Lucas?" I said walking up to him.

He turned around and didn't seem to surprised to see me, "Maya."

He was definitely drunk. How could that happen? I was only gone for half and hour!

"Lucas you're drunk, let's go home." I tried to be reasonable with him.

His eyes were bloodshot and he seemed a little unstable, "You do realize I'm pissed off at you, right?"

"Yes, but I was worried about you, so I want to bring you home." I tried to explain.

"You don't get it do you?" Lucas laughed, "You lied to me about your virginity, and that I was the only one you've loved! That's a big deal Maya!"

I began to get angry. I grabbed his shirt and twisted it in my hand and pulled his body close to mine.

"You think I don't regret losing my virginity to Josh everyday? Because I do. And I do love you. I loved the thought of Josh. But I really love you Lucas." My nose was almost touching his.

He breathed out, "If you just told me, I would've understood."

"I know." I let him go.

"No, I like being this close to you." He said placing my hand on his chest.

"Lucas," I repeated, "You're drunk."

I've never seen Lucas like this before, I've always been a bit nervous around intoxicated people. It's one of the reason why I've stopped drinking.

He moved my hand to his heart, "It hurts so bad, Maya. And it won't stop."

My heart break at what he said. I really hurt him. I said to myself I'd do anything to harm

What happened to the old us? The two kids in love that watched movies together and bonded over our lives. I missed the days when the most we cared about was what Riley was going to think about us.

"Maya?" Lucas said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ya?" I replied.

"That dick still has your ring." Lucas drunkingly said making me laugh.

"He does, doesn't he?" I laughed.

Lucas looked at me an awe, "I want to make you laugh more, you're always sad."

"Ya, I guess I am." I shrugged.

"I mad at you," He said before smiling, "But I love you."

Lucas emotions were giving me a major whiplash. I didn't know what to say to him and what to do.

"I love you too." I said.

"But not as much as you loved Josh, right?" Lucas said breaking my heart again.

"I love you more." I said, and it was more of a realization to myself about how much I loved Lucas.

"What about Jacob?"

"He's an asshole who still has my promise ring." I laughed.

"That little shit." Lucas laughed.

"We should go home." I told him smiling.

"Ya," Lucas gave in and I helped him out of the bar and to the apartment.


I woke up my a huge headache, and an awful stomache. I looked around to see I was still in bed in my apartment. I remembered last night.

The drinking, the anger, Maya being inches away from me causing me to want her more, and finally forgiving her.

Losing her virginity must have been a touchy subject for her, and I have to choose to forgive her or I would lose her forever.

Maya walked in her small body fitting through the slightly opened door perfectly. She had a bowl of soup in her hand and a spoon. Maya was wearing my shirt. It was so big on her it went down to her thighs. She was so beautiful without trying. I was happy to call her, mine.

"Here's some soup," She handing me the bowl, "And some pills for your hangover."

"I'm sorry about last night." I confessed.

"It's okay, Lucas. As long as we're good." She sat next to me on the bed her waist touching my arms.

The feeling over being so close to Maya, and not being with her was unbearable. But I have to respect Maya, and whenever she feels it's the right time, than we will do it.

"I really want the ring back." Maya sighed, "I'm going to call Jacob and ask for it."

"You have his number?"

"That's not important right now." Maya dismissed me.

After a couple of rings Maya said, "Hello. Ya. Ya. No. That's insane Jacob just give it back! Okay. No I don't think so. Fine. Bye." She said before banging up.

"What did he say?" I asked.

"He said he'll give the ring back, after I learn how bad your temper gets." She groaned.

"What does he mean by that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but eventually we will annoy him so much he'll have to give it back." Maya

"Unless my temper does get bad." I said and me and Maya stayed quiet.

"I know you won't do anything to hurt me, Lucas." She said.

She turned to me and we looked eye in eye. It was like our heart beats were the same and everything we in sync.

"How do you know that?" I said my voice breaking.

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