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Thank you all so much for supporting me and reading! The love I've gotten through this book and this website is overwhelming. I want to say a massive thank you, and that this is only the beginning.

Where do I begin... Please don't kill me.

If you truly think about it, it all makes sense.

50% of marriages end in divorce, and marriages that include teens is even bigger than that.

Not all stories will be happy, this isn't a fairy tale, and I never intended that it would be. I warned you from the beginning that this book was on the more serious side.

I know like 70% of this book is unrealistic but this ending is.

Which leads me to our next topic...


Yes I think I will write a sequel. I left this book open ended so that if I wanted to I could.

And I'm thinking all of you want me to write a sequel.

Which I'm glad to write, but you better not let it flop!

If I write this sequel it is for you, not for me. So as much love and possible please.

Also if anyone can think of a good title for the sequel that would be great.

I've already starting writing some of the sequel and I seriously can't think of anything.

Until next time...

Goodbye Damaged, I'll miss you.

xoxo Katie.

Damaged [Lucaya AU]Where stories live. Discover now