forty-one :: maya meets till death do us part

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I decided to meet Lucas at city hall and surprise him, like a normal wedding would.

I stepped inside my heels clicking for every step I took.

I looked up to see Lucas in front of me, his eyes traveled me up and down and he was smiling. The further I walked the morr I could tell he was going to cry.

Lucas was wearing a dress shirt with a rose in the right pocket, and black dress pants. He looked amazing, but his eyes were glued to me.

Once I reached the end with him I smiled and my eyes began to water, because I never wish to be parted from him.

"Are you going to sign the papers?" The women asked beside us ruining our romantic moment.

"We're going to say our vows first," Lucas told her and the women nodded.

"I'll go first," I grabbed his hands, "We've preached our love for each other before. But this is the time that really matters, we aren't infront of family and friends but we're in front of God promising this commitment. I want to say that I've put you through a lot of drama and obstacles in the past few months, but I wouldn't change that for the world. Because if I had no bad past we wouldn't have this future. I love you more than anything and you know that. That's what a normal vow would be about, but this isn't normal. So I want to say that I'd do anything for you, and I'll never hurt you or leave you, because I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on."

I was full on crying and Lucas was shedding some tears too when he started.

"I'm not sure how to top this but, I'll try my best. When I was in Texas and I felt like my world was against me, I moved to New York. I met you and Riley, at the time I was obsessed with Riley, but you were always there. I remembered more things that you had said more than Riley, and at the moment I just thought I was more observant of you- little did I know you were the one I was really in love with. I've never been shy for the way I feel about you, when I told you I loved you and waited till you felt the same. That's the type of husband I'll be. I won't hide my feelings. Then I really feel in love with you and all my thoughts and actions revolved around you. Eveb when you left I was still hopelessly devoted to you. I'll never leave, and I'll never cheat because, from the day on I never wish to be parted from you." Lucas finished with tears down his cheeks and his emerald eyes never leaving mine.

We turned together and signed the papers with our signatures on the bottem.

"Lucas Friar," He wrote.

"Maya Friar," I wrote.

We turned to each other and in our minds we both thought, "And now you can kiss your bride."

In that moment we leaned in for our kiss and when our lips touched it was electric. He placed his hand on my back and I wrapped my hands around his neck. Everything was seemingly perfect. Lucas isn't going to jail, and we're finally married.

Once we let go the women smiled at Lucas and I and we ran out of there hand in hand.

We ran into the streets of New York a married couple.

I looked at Lucas and he gazing off into the streets, he was the love of my life. It's pure luck that I met him so soon, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"Look what I got us," Lucas said as a limo approached us.

I've never been in a limo before, my mother never had the spare money.

I stared at it for a while before Lucas said, "Come on let's go."

Lucas opened the door for me and I got inside. Once I realized who was in the car I almost cried.

"Riley?" I screamed and hugged her as Lucas closed the car door behind him.

"Lucas wanted to surprise you," Riley said into my shoulder.

"I've missed you so much," I told her and she said it back.

It was so nice to see Riley, she used to be my only constant in life, but now I have Lucas.

"You guys seem like the real married couple," Lucas commented and I laughed.

"So where are we going?" I asked Lucas.

"We're going to visit Farkle," He said and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Just like old times," Riley smiled enthusiasticly.

"Just like old times except, Lucas and I are married, Josh is dead, Farkle has cancer, and you seem perfectly fine about all of it." I said.

"Ya, when I heard the news I bumped into somebody and they really comforted me and helped me get over it," Riley smiled at the memory.


We drove for almost two hours when the driver started to yell at us, "Get up! Wake up!"

Riley jolted up and Lucas did too.

"There's a drunk driver on the bridge, and I don't know what's going to happen." His voice was shakey.

I saw everything through the front window. The car approached ours. It was jurking back and forth and eventually hit us before spinning.

We all moved to the right but our car stopped.

The other one didn't. The car ramped into and destroyed the bridge's railing and the car fell into the water below.

We all got out of the car in a rush. Lucas ran to see what happened.

The car was sinking and we were all in complete shock. We were lucky that nothing happened to us, but the drunk driver wasn't.

"I have to help them," Lucas said getting ready to jump in.

"Lucas don't," I grabbed his arm.

"I have to help," He looked at me sympatheticly before jumping off the bridge and leaving me.

I watched as Lucas jumped in the water below.

"Someone call 911!" I screamed.


A/N: Yay new chapter!

xoxo Katie.

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