forty-five :: maya meets regrets

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A/N: Hey guys!! I can't believe we're already at 45 chapters! Which leads me to an important question I must ask...


I'm not big on sequels, and if I were to make a sequel I would want it to be driven, and that you guys would read it. When ever I write sequels I feel like I have nothing to write about, but with these characters literally anything can happen. And if the sequel were to happen I would probably delete Cancer.




My heart sank at Lucas' words, I could tell he was hurt. I could feel his heart ache the was mine was, we were connected in that way.

I turned around and faced him, which made my heart break even more. His mouth was slightly open from shock, and his emerald eyes were watering. He was looking down at my stomach, and how my arm was wrapped around it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He said as a tear streamed down his face.

At this point I was crying, "I didn't know what to say, it's so early, it could have been a false alarm."

Lucas walked up to me, his body heat radiating off me, his hand gently felt my stomach before he looked back up at me.

"I have a feeling," Lucas whispered, "This is no false alarm."

I smiled slightly, "Me too," I grabbed his hand.

Lucas shook off my hand he leaned into my ear and said, "It is mine, right?"

I was shocked at his words, and I could tell it wasn't one of his jokes.

"Why would you even ask that?" I said offended.

"You seemed like you wanted to tell Jacob, but not me, and he hit you," He said with his teeth clenched, "Why can't you want the boy who treats you right?"

"They made me angry, and I just blurted it out, it's your baby Lucas." I told him.

"They?" Lucas asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Josh and Jacob.

"Sorry, I meant he," I lied.

I can't tell Lucas I still see and hear Josh, he'll think I'm crazy. I've experienced a lot of changes, and loss in my life, but never have I had hallucinations of the dead.

"Leave her alone," Jacob butted in making me want to stab a fork in his eye.

"This is none of your business," Lucas argued with him.

"Well I'm making it my business because you can't accuse Maya of sleeping with other men and get away with it," Jacob raised his voice.

"Stop pretending you're important to Maya, I'm her husband and you're just the ass that hit her," Lucas said getting closer to Jacob.

"Oh ya, because she craves abusive relationships? You have no idea what it's like being stuck in an abusive relationship Lucas." Jacob spat at him.

"Maya come with me, we're going home," Lucas forcefully grabbed my arm.

"No," I yanked my arm back, "You just said all those rude things to me."

"Maya-" He said.

"No," I yelled, "I need to learn to stick up for myself, and right now. I need an education otherwise our baby has no chance of us being it's parents."

Lucas grabbed my arm again, I struggled out of his grip, but it was too strong.

"Lucas, you're hurting me," Once those words left my lips he instantly let go.

His emerald eyes were connected in mine, I could tell he instantly regretted it.

"Maya, I'm sorry," He tried to apologize.

"Leave," I told him, "Please," I begged.

He reluctantly left, like he said he would.


By the end of the day the whole school knew I was pregnant, and the whole school saw Lucas leave angrily.

I also realized that I had no ride, and if I were to walk it would be two miles, and I can barely run a lap in PE, so that's probably not a good idea.

I stood outside of the school hoping Lucas would show up, even though I was still really mad at him.

"What are you doing all alone, Hart?" Jacob asked as he started to walk towards me.

"It's Friar, and I'm waiting for someone, but I'm pretty sure they're not going to show up." I said awkwardly.

"I can give you a ride, I carpool with some of my friends and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind you tagging along," Jacob suggested.

First I thought of how much I genuinely don't like Jacob, but then I thought of how Lucas would react.

"Thanks, I'd love that," I smiled at him.

Jacob smirked and grabbed my hand leading me to the car. There were only two other people, I've seen them before but I'm not very friendly so I never really talked to them.

"Hey look it's Maya Hart," One of them said, "I'm Alex."

"I'm Matt," The other said. Both of them had tattoos and dirty blonde hair.

"Let's go," Jacob said as we all got in the car.

Alex and Matt sat in front while Jacob and I sat in the back.

My phone buzzed and checked to see that I had four unread texts from Lucas:

From: My husband (Huckleberry)

Where are you?

Maya tell me.

Where are you??

I'm getting nervous, please answer.

"Who was that?" Jacob asked curiously.

"My husband." I rolled my eyes.

"Who would have thought that Maya would be the knocked up one," Alex laughed.

"You should have had a bachelorette party," Matt said, "Guys I have an idea."

"What?" I asked.

"Let's give her the bachelorette party she never had," Matt said with a smirk on his face.

"You up for an adventure, Friar?"

I felt my phone buzz constantly from texts from Lucas.

"Hell ya," I smiled and they all cheered.

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