five :: maya meets out of town boys

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I'm pretty sure I know how I want the story to go... unless someone changes my mind lol. -Katie


The next day, I was actually excited to go to school and see Lucas. Although he probably was going to still pay more attention to Riley, I just wanted to see his daring green eyes once again.

I changed and got ready, and Riley was telling me about some weird dream she was having about Lucas and her riding off on pony into some sort of paradise. I wish I could have dreams like that, instead I get haunting nightmares of Josh and what he did to me.

Poor Riley knew nothing about what her Uncle Josh did to me, but how could you tell her? She's so innocent and pure, she lives in a world without darkness.

"I'm so happy you're back at school Maya," Riley beamed, "Everything is going to be great."

I wish I was that optimistic.

"This final school year will be one to remember." Riley wrapped her arm around me, "Forever?"

"Forever." I answered and smiled up at Riley.


I walked into Mr Mathew's class unbelievably tired and sleepy. I sat in my seat and waited for Lucas to come to class.

Before I knew it my eyes drifted closed, before I felt a touch on my shoulder.

"Maya," Mr Mathews said, "I received an email last night, and it seems like Lucas won't be in town for a while..."

The rest of his words were a blur.

Lucas? Out of town? To me that seems like an excuse to avoid me. How could he do this after everything I've told him? I expressed my hurt that Josh caused. All the pain and suffering I felt. And what does he do? He leaves. He left me like Shawn, and my father did. He's no better than both of them.

"Maya?" Mr Mathews said snapping me out of my thought.

He was the only other person beside Lucas and Topanga who know my secret.

"I can't do this anymore." I whispered since the whole class was talking they wouldn't hear me.

"What do you mean Maya?"

"You know why." I emphasized. 

"Maya what happened?"

"Ask Ranger Rick." I shrugged as tears threatened to spill out my eyes.

I got from my seat loudly, making the whole class turn my way. I stormed out the door as I heard Mr Mathews and Riley calling out my name.

I didn't want to talk to anyone. Mr Mathews would just tell me that I have people who love and support me. But in reality none of them feel the pain I went through. They couldn't possibly understand the wounds that are still open.

Riley can't know. In many ways I wish she would. But I know she can't, even Riley couldn't fix this. All my broken pieces are shattered beyond repair.

I ran somewhere where they couldn't find me. My tears spilled down my cheeks as my knees became weak from sheer tiredness. I was sore, and tired, my body was showing the signs. My legs burned as I leaned against the lockers and slide down covering my sobbing face in my knees.

Why would Lucas hurt me? I've only truly known him for a night. How could this hurt so much?

"Oh my gosh, Maya!" Riley yelped hugging my curled up body, "Sh," she soothed me, "Whatever's happening, everything will be alright."

I lifted up my head to see Riley, "But that's the thing, Riles. It will never be alright."

"I doubt that Maya," She said in her usual 'Riley can fix all' voice.

"You don't know anything." I cried. I was beginning to cry so hard I was struggling to breath, and was continuously gasping for air. I realized I've cried more in the past two days than the past 6 months.

"Tell me then. How could I possibly understand if you don't tell me?" Riley made a point.

"Its hard. You know, to say out loud." My voice was sore.

"You're stronger than you think, Maya."

"Josh-" I said before getting cut off.

Lucas' POV:

I found myself wanting to see the familiar blonde all day. But how could I face her after everything?

The night before flashed through my mind.

I punched Josh.

I found out Maya's secret.

I began to fall for the real Maya Hart.

I left her.

What kind of idiot leaves her?

"The kind that's still in love with her best friend!" My mind told me.

I had to see her again. No matter what happens. I regret leaving her. I don't want to see her hurt ever again.

I raced down the stairs of the high school before hearing sobbing noises familiar to what I heard last night.

Maya was crying?

"Josh-" I heard Mayas soft voice.

"Maya!" I cut her off and raced towards her.

Her head turned and her eyes darkened. Which was something I wasn't used to. She backed away from me like a scared little puppy.

"Maya," I said sympathetically. I reached out for her but she backed away from me, making my heart drop.

"Lucas, I think it's best if you left." Riley said.

And I couldn't tear my eyes aways from Maya's breaking ones.

My whole stomach fell at the thought of me hurting those beautiful blue eyes, and her bright smile that lite up in the moon light. Or her small body that swayed side to side. How could I hurt something so beautiful?

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