twenty-four :: maya meets bad boys

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The next day I proudly wore my promise ring for Lucas.

Marrige was always scary for me, but I don't ever want to lose him. And if he wants to get married I would do it for him.

Shockingly we actually had school today. It was weird being back. Lucas told me before hand that a lot of people were wondering why I left. Some people say I was in rehab- others say I was kidnapped by Josh.

But I don't care what people say, I felt confident today. Not because I like my outfit, or I look good. I'm confident becuase I'm hand in hand with Lucas, and I know he'll never leave my side.

My  classes went by slowly. It was as of nothing had changed. Except for all the girls. They were whispering about me and laughing. I knew they were harmless but it made me feel like I was under a microscope.

"Hey, you must be Maya." A boy I've never seen before sat beside me in class.

We were in Biology and I usually sat alone.

"Hi." I smiled, I was happy someone was finally being nice to me.

"I'm Jacob, by the way." He returned the smile. He was pretty attractive. He had crystal blue eyes, but they were nothing compared to Lucas'. Jacob was tan and had brown hair that was effortlessly up in a little quiff. His arms were covered in ink, I actually liked his tattoos they really suited him.

Jacob was an obvious bad boy, and a teenage heartthrob.

"Nice to meet you." I shook his large hand.

The girls laughed and out of instinct I looked down at my hands not wanting to face them.

"Sorry, Cailey and Lia can be bitches sometimes." He shrugged, "I've heard a lot about you."

"You have?" I furrowed my brows.

"Yeah, the Maya I heard about would have stood up for herself against those girls." He said.

I thought to myself for a while.

Jacob was right. Why should I let those girls make me feel this way.

I smirked at Jacob before getting out of my seat and approaching those girls.

I stood next to them my arms crossed.

They instantly became silent.

"Hi, I'm Maya." I said, "I love to draw, and paint, and put bitches like you into their place."

The words just tumbled out of my mouth. But I liked it.

I was finally starting to become my old self, I was tired of being afraid and defenseless.

I left the girls with their mouths wide open. I missed being bad.

I missed being able to do whatever the hell I want. I was no longer scared of Josh, so what was holding me back?

I went to sit next to Jacob and he was smiling at me.

"Good job Hart, but your not as bad ass as I thought." He taunted me.

"Oh ya? Wanna bet?" I raised one eyebrow at him.

His blue eyes were filled with excitement. His jaw clenched from him grinding his teeth. He really was attractive.

"What's this?" His attention averted to the ring on my hand.

"A ring, from Lucas." I said nonchalantly.

"Lucas?" He laughed, "Lucas Friar?"

"What about it?" I asked Jacob.

"Lucas is the most goody two shoes guy I've met my whole life." He said dramatically.

To my surprise I didn't defend Lucas. Words were rushing through my mind but I never said anything. What did Jacob do to me?

"Here," He pulled the ring off my finger, "Rule number one about being a bad ass, is that you can't let anyone tie you down."

I grabbed the ring back from him, "Good thing I'm not a big fan of following the rules."

Jacob starred at me intently. His eyes were connected in mine, "Good thing neither am I. Thanks to you Maya Hart, I might have broken rule one."


A/N: Sorry this chapter is kinda short. Do you guys like Jacob? lol probably not.

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