twenty-two: maya meets heartbreak

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Maya's mind wouldn't change. She knew she was a threat to Lucas' life- she would do anything for him.

Becuase though Lucas may have fallen in love first, Maya fell the hardest.

Lucas watched Maya pack her bags, he had nothing to say. He was in a state of shock and nothing seemed to snap him out of it.

He was tired of begging her to stay- he said everything he could fathom. He said of how she would miss school, or how she would never graduate high school.

She would reply with "I don't know how long I will be gone Lucas. All I ask for is you to let me go."

Lucas knew Maya was doing this for him, and that she was saving him. He wanted to save her, he wanted to rescue her from Josh and the demons that consumed him during his early life but he can't.

Lucas can't save Maya from this.

Maya took her suit case, said her goodbyes, and left.

It was that simple.

Lucas cried and cried for days. Nothing seemed to fill the whole in his heart. He tried looking for her and where she might have gone. But he knew he couldn't find her.

"How can I face the world without her?" He thought to himself.

But one day he did. He went to school, got good grades, made some new friends and finally learned to smile. He wasn't so dependent on Maya anymore. He was just Lucas Friar.

The only time he would hear from Maya is a letter that contained money for the rent every other week. Each letter was sent from a different place. One was from New Orleans, and another from California. It was completely random and had no pattern.

Maya was gone for two weeks.

Lucas was leaving half alive for two weeks.

Everything seemed lost. Maya was far gone, and was changing into another person. Lucas was starting to get tired of looking for her, and came to the fact that she was lost forever.

But how could a love story end so terribly? You don't think that's the end- do you?


I was struggling to do my paper in Mr. Matthews class - and shocker it was about loss. I couldn't express the way I felt about Maya on paper.

Falling in love with Maya Hart can't be written in words. Its better than anything you can imagine- and it hurts more than any pain you can fathom.

The bell rang and as I was about to get up my phone rang.

I looked to Mr. Matthews and he said it was okay to pull out my cell phone.

It was a number I've never seen before. Some part of me was hoping it was Maya. But in my heart I knew it wasn't.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"Hello. Is this Lucas Friar?" A monotoned voice asked.

"Yes, why?" I asked.

"This is the Greenich Village Hospital and Maya Hart wants to see you." She said.

My heart dropped. How long as Maya been here in New York? But I thought she was in California. Did she come back?

"What happened to her?" I asked.

"She got in a minor car wreck, but we are just keeping here for the night. Don't worry she isn't seriously hurt."

"Thank you, I'm on my way." I hung up the phone.

I barged out of the school and into my car.


Once I reached the hospital I found Maya's room and let myself in.

She was in a hospital bed with tubes hooked up to her arms. She looked tired, but healthy.

Her blue eyes shined when she looked up to me, "Lucas." She breathed out.

"Maya." I said it was hard to look at her face to face.

She broke your heart and left you.

"I need to explain myself." She rushed.

"No you don't Maya. You've told me enough times, you didn't want Josh to hurt me so instead you killed me." I emotionally stated.

"Lucas I couldn't stand being away from you! I came back for you!" She tried to tell me but I wasn't listening.

"I cried every single fucking night you were gone!" I started to cry.

"So did I!" She yelled, "I thought leaving you would be easier but I can't stay away from you!"

"You should've thought of that before you left." I sat down.

"You want the truth Lucas?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"I've never been in love. And it took me song long to tell you because I was scared. I was scared of being like my father, and I ended up like him anyways. I never thought love was this powerful and have such a huge impact on me, but I love you so much, and I can't live without you." Maya ment every word she said, I could tell it in her eyes.

But can I really forgive her for breaking my heart?

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