sixteen :: maya meets home

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A/N: If anyone wants to make me a cover that would be great becuase I'm absolutely terrible! lol & Thanks so much for 6k! ilysm


"I'm sorry you feel that way Lucas," I look out the window at all the passing cars.

"I'm not sorry for what I feel for you." He said passionatley, his green eyes filled with fire.

"You should be-" I said before getting cut off.

"Why?" He raised his voice, "Why can't you understand why I love you?"

"Becuase the only love I understand was abusive." I yelled back my heart racing under my bones.

"Maya, if you're in love with me, you would know." Lucas said sympatheticly, "I don't want to rush you into feeling things for me that you don't. But I love you Maya, and I'm not scared to tell you so."

"How could you love someone so broken?" I said looking down at my lap.

"It takes someone just as broken." He smiled back.

"Lucas, you never told me about your family, or what your life is like outside of school." I told him.

"My dad always pressured me and made me feel not good enough. My parents divorced my mom moved near her family, my dad went to rehab and I moved in with my uncle and grandparents. I loved it with them, they would always have fun and they treated me with respect. But eventually my mom wanted me to move back with her, to New York. I lashed out and got kicked out of my old school and moved to New York with my mom. She said that living with my grandparents was only temporary until she landed on her feet and could be able to provide for me." Lucas explained.

"You have a great mom Lucas." I admired him.

"I know, but sometimes it's hard to see it that way." Lucas looked at me.

"I understand." I said referring to my mom, Katy.

Lucas laid his large, warm hand on my thigh. His touch sent chills through my body, and my mind reeling.

How could someone make me feel this way?


After the drive I went back to my house. I walked in and Mr. Matthews was sitting on the couch with his head between his hands.

He looked up at me, "Maya! Thank God I was worried about you."

"You know Riley isn't coming back, right?" I asked him.

"Topanga is going up there and is going to talk some sense into Riley, she needs to come home." He replied.

"Riley's doing the right thing. You didn't see her cry and cry over Farkle, she needs him." I told him.

"Of course you're on her side!" Mr Matthews threw up his hands in frustration.

"It doesn't matter what I think, Riley is going to do what she thinks is right."

"We're her parents, Maya. We can tell her what to do."

"God!" I yelled frustrated, "You should understand young love better than anyone!"

"Don't yell at me Maya."

"I'm going to do whatever the hell I want to do. Riley's not going to be here anymore so why should I? I should just move out!" I yelled angrily.

"Maya why would you move out?" Mr Matthews said shocked.

"Riley isn't here anymore." I said again.

"But I am." He said.

"It doesn't matter," I said, "It's time for me to live on my own."

"You're so young, Maya. You don't need to be so grown up."

"I've aways been independent. But I have some one to lean on now. But thank you for letting me stay with you." I smiled.

"I really don't approve of this, but if you think you can." He said.

"I've been saving my money for a while now, and there is an open apartment on Maple St, right down the road." I told him.

"So you're really leaving?"

"Yes, I really am."

"I'll miss you, Maya."

"I know." I said sassy.


Two weeks later...

"Here's your new apartment fully furnished!" The realtor told me showing me my new apartment.

It was perfect! It was cozy but it was definitely my style.

There was a big fireplace and a very vintage feel to the whole house. It was beautiful! I felt like I was in the 60's with the vinatge signs and posters. There was a hallway leading to the bedroom and the kitchen. My bedroom was pretty big, but had a smaller closet.

"I hope you love living here." The realter said.

"I know we'll love it." Lucas said pulling me into him and hugging me tightly placing a warm kiss on my cheek.

Damaged [Lucaya AU]Where stories live. Discover now