three :: maya meets parties

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I snook out of Riley's apartment  once she was asleep, because if she saw me with Lucas she would kill me.

I jumped down the ladder outside the window and noticed Lucas' beat up blue pick up truck. He had his head sticking out of the window with a goofy grin on his face. I shook my head at his crazy antics as I walked towards the car.

"Howdy," He greeted me and pretended to tilt his invisible hat.

"Ranger Rick." I greeted back as I hopped into the passenger seat.

I heard Lucas buckle his seat belt then he looked to me, "Aren't you going to buckle your seat belt?"

I rolled my eyes at him, "Live a little, Rick." I buckled my seat belt because I knew he wouldn't leave until I did.

"So, I came up with party rules." I began.

"Okay..?" Lucas said unerringly.

"Rule 1, if any one asks if you want to play a game say no. They often lead to drinking or stripping. Rule 2, no alcohol, your my driver and it's my job to get drunk. And lastly rule 3, don't talk to Josh."

"Why can't I talk to Josh?" He furrowed his brows.

Josh is older than me, and also my first kind-of-boyfriend. I thought he was my gateway to a happy life like Riley's, but he wasn't.

"Me and him got into a fight a while ago, and I know he will drag you into it. He is the last person I want to see." I sighed.

"I thought you were all about breaking the rules?" Lucas said as he parked in front of the party.

"I am, but you're not." I smirked as I got out of the car and waited for Lucas.

Once he was by my side I could feel his heart beating through his chest, and his breaths staggered.

"Calm down, Lucas, they won't do anything to you as long as I'm here." I held his head and dragged him up the lawn of the giant house.

I could tell he was surprised that I held his hand, but he didn't stop me. And he knows we're just friends anyways.

I pulled him inside the noisy house. There were at least a hundred people there. They were all mainly in the living room dancing to the loud music.

It smelled like vodka, and sweat- something I was used to, but Lucas probably thought it smelled awful.

When we reached the kitchen I let go of his hand, at a party the kitchen is mostly were people just talk and drink, nothing too crazy like the rest of the house.

"This isn't so bad." Lucas shrugged.

"Just wait for it." I smiled.

I looked down and saw our hands still intertwined, and Lucas must have noticed too, and he let my hand go awkwardly wiping his sweat on his jeans.

I poured us some drinks will Lucas silently stood observing what was going on around him.

"Here," I said handing him a red solo cup.

"I thought I wasn't drinking?" He said.

"It's water," I chuckled, " mine, however is not." I laughed.

My happiness didn't last long as I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

"Maya!" Josh yelled, "Maya, thank God!"

I saw Josh walking towards me, looking handsome as always in his casual button up with jeans and a beanie covering his messy hair.

Lucas stood awkwardly between us, as I looked down to my feet.

"Maya, I missed you." He took a step towards me, and I immediately took a step back away from him in a way that was almost comical. But there was nothing comical about it.

"Maya, you're joking right?" Josh said, his voice deep and angry.

I was now the one who was deathly afraid, my anxiety building up inside me as I saw the person in my life who hurt me the most.

"Please leave me alone Josh." I said, scared about how he would react.

"Maya, stop acting so afraid of me." He got louder, and my anger built up to the rim.

"Don't act stupid Josh, you know exactly why I'm afraid of you." I spat angrily.

"Stop overreacting Maya." He rolled his eyes, and I wanted to ring his neck.

"Look at these, Josh!" I rolled up my sleeve to show his all the bruises his hands caused, "They're real, and you're why it happened."

"You hurt her?" Lucas' voice rang in my ears. His voice was weak, and devastated almost as if his whole heart was crushed.

"It's none of your business, Lucas." Josh spat through gritted teeth.

"I think it is." Lucas shot back. I've never seen him so angry since a guy was bullying Zay years ago.

"Aren't you Riley's boyfriend? Where is your precious Riley? Does she know your hooking up with her best friend?" Josh taunted Lucas.

"Me and Maya are friends." He defended himself.

"If you two are 'just friends' then you won't mind if I do this," Josh pulled me into him and forcefully pressed my mouth against his.

Before I knew I was pulled away from Josh as his body stammered backwards. And it took me a while to realize it but...

Lucas just fought for me.

As Josh recovered, Lucas was shaking his fist, obviously hurt his hand.

I felt so violated. How Josh just forced me into doing something I didn't want to do, just like how it was with him when we were dating. It made my stomach curl and my head spin. I think he liked that I was younger. I wasn't innocent by any means, but I could tell he thought I was and that kind of power made him drunker than anything in my cup.

Lucas grabbed my arm softly making sure he didn't hurt the bruises already there.

"Hurry, Maya! We have to get to the car- I can't fight him any longer!"

Although my vision was blurred with tears Lucas, and I somehow made it into the car in time and safe.

I couldn't help the tears fall from my eyes and my mouth gasp for air through all the heavy crying. I never let myself cry, but when I did it was as if I was crying for every moment in my life all at once.

Lucas put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it gently so I knew he was there for me.

"So now you know," I through my hands in the air, "Between Josh and my mother's death I never did anything. I didn't eat, sleep, I was barely functioning. That's why I never went to school."

"Does anyone else know?" He asked.

I croaked through my tears, "Mr, and Mrs Mathews, just so they can warn me when Josh is coming."

"Not even Riley?"

"No," I said, "Riley couldn't handle news like that."

"I'm sorry Maya."

"I-I just don't know what to do, everything is just so overwhelming, it's driving me crazy." I spoke the truth my voice scratchy and faint. "He was always dragging me around like a puppet, and after a while I needed to cut the strings."

"I'll always be here for you, always."

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