thirty-four :: maya meets the return

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Missy brought me back to her apartment, the ride there was silent. I was still very nauseous and sick, and I am still mad at Maya. How could she leave me there like that? It's not that I don't trust Maya, but I can't be near her right now because I can say something too irrational.

"Welcome," Missy said letting me into her apartment. It was bigger than I expected, it was almost five times larger than Maya and I's. But it did lack something, my apartment had. The feeling of just being there, and instantly becoming at home, and peaceful.

"Where's your roommate, the nurse?" I asked her looking around her apartment.

"Just lay on the couch, while I go find her," Missy excused herself as I took a seat on her couch.

I was feeling awful, my head was aching and I was tired. My stomach was sore, and hungry, but I was too nauseous to even think about food. It was one of the worst feelings ever, after how I felt when Maya was gone.

I laid there for what felt like a lifetime, before Missy came back.

"She's not here right now," Missy said tracing her hand on my stomach, "She'll be here soon."

"How soon?" I asked her.

"Soon enough," She raised her eyebrow. Missy moved to sit next to me, and her hand slowly traced down my body.

I was extremely awkward, and honestly didn't know what to do. I just looked at her, and she was smirking at me. This is why Maya calls me a Huckleberry. I never stand up for myself.

"Missy," I backed away from her.

She threw her arms up in defense, "What?"

"I have a girlfriend," I told her, my head was making my vision blurry.

"Don't you mean your fiancé," She mocked Maya, "I thought you two were over."

"Woah," I said surprised, "Me and Maya aren't over, we never were, and we never will."

"Oh," Missy realized, "I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was thinking."

"I know," I accepted her apology, "But I have tp go."

I got up, despite the pain and was headed to the door. But as I was about to open the door, I heard Missy.

"Just, please before you leave, tell me why you came with me and not Maya." She begged me. Missy got up and looked me straight in my eyes. I could tell she wasn't kidding about how she felt about me.

"I was angry," I told her, "I have anger problems and I didn't want to blow up at Maya and say something I would regret."

"That's it?" She sighed.

"Yes." I said before leaving her apartment and closing the door behind me.

I left her apartment, still a bit wobbly, I got a cab and told him my destination.

I just really hope Maya's okay, if she was blaming herself for what I did I couldn't live with myself.


Once I finally arrived home, I couldn't wait to see my fiancé.

I opened the door and to my surprise Maya was no where to be seen. I looked in the kitchen and the bathroom. She was not there.

But then I heard a faint cry coming from the bedroom. I opened the door to find Maya on the floor, her head jerked when she heard the door open.

Maya's eyes lit up and she got up and threw herself at me. We hugged eachother for a long time. I held her so tightly I would have never let her go if it wasn't for her crying over my shoulder.

"I thought you wanted her," Maya cried.

I let go and pulled her face close to mine and said, "You're the only one I want, you know that."

"Sometimes I look at you, and I see that you could be with anyone you wanted. And I wonder why you chose me when you could have someone who has a simple life. Someone that wouldn't cause you drama, like I do." She said.

"I don't care if you have a dark past, because I do too, and the battles we go throught together make us stronger. I honestly don't think I could be in a boring relationship." I blushed, "Especially since I met you."

Maya looked at me closely, "I really hope we can work this out."

"Work what out?" I asked her.

She furrowed her brows, "You don't know?"

"Know what?" I asked her.

"I guess you haven't seen the news in a while," She starred at her feet, "Josh was realeased from the mental hosiptal."

In that moment I knew that no matter how much I loved Maya, I could never love her so much that all of her problems would disappear.

There's much more in our future that will define us, but as long as I stay by her side, I won't loose her.

A/N: Yaaay!! and update! & a lot of forshadowing lol.

ps i made a Twitter its imdonniebarnes

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