forty :: maya meets love

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He got on one knee held out the ring and asked me, "Will you marry me Maya Hart?"

I stared at the man with the emerald eyes, and saw angels. They danced when he was happy, I could tell. I never wanted those angels to fall, like they did Josh.

I never wish to be parted from him from this day on. Wow, now im quoting Darcy.

"Yes," I breathed.

Lucas smiled and picked me up twirling me around.

He set me down and we were both out of breath, "We're getting married."

"Ya, we are." I said in realization, "I thought we were going to wait until college?"

"Well considering our sudden circumstances I thought being married would be good for us," Lucas said thoughtfully.

"What circumstances?" I asked him.

"You know, the whole trial and legal things." He brushed it off.

"Wait a second," I backed away from him, "You're only marrying me so you won't go to jail?"

"Maya," He stepped closer to me, "I love you, and that's one small reason why. Even before this happened I wanted to marry you."

"I know that," I snapped, "But if you weren't in legal trouble would you have asked me to marry you?"

He paused.

"That's all I needed to hear." I turned away from him and I heard Lucas yell my name.

"Maya please, I love you." He said, sounding too desperate.

"Go marry someone else," I yelled at him.

"Maybe I will." He yelled back.

My anger grew inside me. Why can't we be a normal couple? Why do we have all these problems? I just want him to really want to marry me, not just because he won't go to jail.

I went into the bedroom and locked him outside. He began to bang on the door, "Maya, you're being ridiculous."

"No, I'm acting like a normal human being would."

"Why can't we get married? We've been thinking about his for months!" He said.

I swung the door open to see him with his face red from anger.

"I want you to marry me. I want to so badly," I cried, "But I don't want the reason to be that I'd be keeping you from going to jail."

"I don't know if I'm going to jail." He said.

"But you need to make sure you won't," I concluded.

"Maya it's not like that," His green eyes poured into mine.

"It is." I looked down at my feet, "You killed Josh and you need to stop running away from it."

"Do you want me to go to jail?" Lucas yelled.

"Of course not!" I yelled back, "I just,"

"You just what?" Lucas asked exhausted.

"I don't know," I cried.

Lucas wrapped his arms around me. I had all these emotions bottled up and I had to let it go, and I'm happy Lucas was there for me.

"I'm a mess," I laughed through the tears.

"For everything you've been through, I can't blame you," He said and kissed the top of my head, "please marry me."

"Okay, I will." I said into his chest, "But you better not go to jail."

Lucas laughed and it was my favorite sound, "Now I definitely won't."

I smiled, "Let's get married."


I called Riley on facetime and she helped me get ready as much as she could through a computer screen.

"That's such a cute dress!" Riley excalimed.

Since it was such short notice I decided to wear one of my own dresses that Lucas' never seen on me before. I was wearing a white dress that had flowy arms and a deep v-neck. The dress went to the middle of my thighs which actually looked pretty good.

"Thanks Riles, I wish you were here with me." I told her.

"Me too," She sighed.

I curled my hair and made two braids on the top of my head to meet in the back. I did light makeup and a smokey eye.

Who would have thought I would get married as a senior in high school? My mom would be rolling around in her grave if she knew I was getting married at seventeen.

"Maya you look gorgeous!" Riley cried over the phone.

"Thanks Riles," I smiled, "Don't cry or I will."

"I can't help it," Riley wiped her eyes, "You deserve to be in love. Your so great I just-"

"Riley stop it," I laughed. She was always the emotional one.

"I wish I was there," Riley said sadly.

"Me too," I replied, "One day Lucas and I will get our vows renewed, and you can go crazy and plan the whole thing."

"That's all I want out of life," Riley laughed through her tears.

"I think I'm ready." I sighed looking in the mirror one last time.

I felt so confident and happy, and I'm sure my glow was still there from last night. The dress was perfect, I felt beautiful. I used to never feel this way, Lucas changed me.

"I can't believe your getting married in city hall," Riley said.

"We need to sign the papers!" I defended myself.

Riley laughed her brown hair falling in front of her face, "Wow."

"It's pretty much a non-existent wedding," I laughed.

"How romantic," Riley said overdramaticly, "The long walk down the isle- I mean front desk."

I laughed at her joke, "Good one."

"I'm really happy for you," Riley said getting serious again.

"Me too," I agreed with her, "but a part of me is scared."


"We fight, all the time," I fiddled with my fingers, "I don't know if we make a good couple."

"Maya," Riley sighed, "you two are undeniable, you've always been that way. You could tell from your jokes, and the way you two fight. You guys want what's best for each other, and that's so important."

"What if one day we just aren't in love the way we were. You know, like my parents?" I asked her.

"You guys love each other differently than your parents," Riley gave me a small smile.

"He does love me, right?" I asked, even though I knew he did.

"Just because he doesn't show his love in the way you expected doesn't mean he doesn't love you with everything he has."

Damaged [Lucaya AU]Where stories live. Discover now