forty-two :: maya meets hospital rooms

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Most people would assume that the honeymoon was one of the most wonderful days of your life that you spend with your spouse. But for me, that's not the case.

Life isn't that simple, it's never been like that for me.

I was sweating and I couldn't stop the rapid beating of my heart. My whole body was reacting to Lucas.

He was in surgery, and I was punished to wait out in the waiting room.

Most people took pity on me. I would too if I saw a girl in her wedding dress covered in dirt with tears rolling down her face.

Riley was here for most of the day, but once it reached late at night I told her she should go get some sleep.

I stayed. I stayed for hours. I put my trust in medicine, and luck for Lucas to be safe.


I was on my knees looking over the bridge hoping to see any sign that Lucas was still alive. I saw air bubbles come out, but that could have been from anything.

Then I saw it. My heart stopped and I felt frozen. This can't be happening, I thought.

I saw Lucas' wedding ring float up to the top of the water, but no Lucas.


I tried to get that terrible memory out of my mind as I held on the Lucas' ring in my hand. We've already lost too many rings.

"Maya Friar?" A nurse called my name.

I immediately stood up and she smiled at me, "I'm Maya Hart- I mean Friar."

"Lucas got out of surgery a while ago, and I would have let you in but we needed to take tests," The nurce explained.

"What was wrong with him?" I asked him.

"He was in the water for a long time, and during this time of year the waters are freezing. He had lungs full of water and he had hypothermia." He said.

"Oh my god," I said under my breath, "He's going to be okay, right?"

"Yes," The nurse smiled at me, "Mr. Friar is actually calling for you now."

The nurse led me down a long hallway until we finally got to Lucas' room.

It was dark, and only lit by one lamp in the corner. His room was hot, and I assumed it was because he was hypothermic. Lucas sat on the bed with an unreadable look on his face.

I sat on the edge of his bed and held his hand, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," His voice was weak, "I'm going to be fine."

I sqeezed his hand and looked up into his eyes, "Don't ever leave me again."

"I don't plan on it."

"Why didn't you swim to the top?" I asked him.

"I was trying to save those people, and I couldn't think about anything else but them." He explained his eyes barely open.

"You're too good, Lucas Friar," I said but my voice didn't come out as much happy as I expected, "Too good."

"Maya," Lucas squeezed my hand, "I'm going to be okay."

"I know," I slightly smiled, "But those hours I spent not knowing was excruciating."

"I'll never put you in that position ever again, Maya Friar."

"I still think you should have been Lucas Hart," I teased him.

He laughed before his eyes travelled to the door.

I looked and saw his doctor at the door. She was smiling at me, and motioned for me to come to her.

I let go of Lucas' hand and stood up and walked over to the doctor.

"Hello, Mrs. Friar, I have some of your lab results," She said.

I took lab results when I first arrived at the hospital, I wasn't hurt but it was mandatory.

"Let's talk about this outside," She whispered to me and we walked outside of Lucas' room and shut his door.

"So what do you have to tell me?" I asked her.

"You're perfectly fine, of course we want to follow up with a CT scan just to make sure you have no internal bleeding," She explained, "But we also found out something else."

"What?" I asked her.

"Maya, you're pregnant."

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter! This is the last plot line before the conclusion!  Make sure to read my new story "Beastly" and follow me for anymore updates! xoxo Katie

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