eight :: maya meets music

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RANT: So Girl Meets Semi-Formal just came out and there is so much drama between Rucas and Lucaya shippers. I think the whole episode was definitely about comparing the situation from bmw with Rachel, Jack, & Eric. Also I want to say that I really get annoyed when Disney in general, doesn't take risks. Its always the same cookie cutter couple with a happy ending. I hope GMW will maybe have like a Rilaya thing, (Which i weird cuz im lucaya af) just becuase then I will be surprised. And as much as you think the show isn't about the ships, it is. The writers egg us on about Rucas or Lucaya all the time. They want us to keep watching to see what happens. Does anyone agree? No? Okay. Lol.

"Riley's great, but Riley's not you."

After Lucas said that I was stunned. I thought of how hurt Riley would be if she found out. I thought of how Lucas just wanted to be friends. And I also thought selfishly, What if Lucas and I could be together? But Riley and I's relationship is more important. It's more important right?

"Maya?" Lucas asked, "Earth to Maya?"

I blinked, "Sorry," I apologized.

"Where's your mind at?" He asked as we floated on the water. My arms spreas out to keep me afloat.

"I'm just thinking." I answered.

"About what?"


"Oh," he said disappointment dripping from his words.

"You confuse me, Lucas." I said looking up at the ceiling, "You say all these sweet things to me, then you leave me. Then you say more sweet things, and then you said we should just be friends, and now you say that."

"I confuse myself." Lucas confessed, "I don't know what I feel."

I could relate to this, it was all too confusing. I couldn't tell when I should let this fantasy end and go back to reality. Will I ever be strong enough to face the reality waiting for me back home?

"I think before you decide anything, just think of how Riley would react. Is anything worth losing whatever you have with her?" I asked him.

"Remember when you asked me about the passion in our kiss hours ago?" Hours? It felt like days.

"How could I not," I sighed. That moment haunted me, that was the moment he told me he still had feelings for Riley.

"I was thinking about it." He admitted, "I think about it all the time actually. I thought I really had something with Riley."

"Maybe you do, you guys have never gone pass a few kisses here and there."

"Why haven't we gone any farther?" He asked, but it seemed more like he was asking himself.

I thought of innocent Riley. And myself. How different I was. How she was pure and unharmed by society. I was the forbidden fruit to her purity. Was that the real draw I had to Lucas? That I was this dangerous thing?

I closed my eyes and relaxed in the calm water. Lucas's shirt was wet and fit the curve of my body, and my blonde hair was spread like a halo around my head.

"Where does that leave us?" I asked my eyes still closed.

"I don't know, Maya." He moved making the water wave, "Want to go to dinner with me?"

I stood up looking directly at him, "You realize it's like two in the morning, right?"

"That doesn't matter, we're in New York, this is the city that never sleeps." Lucas smiled and I nodded.

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