forty-seven :: maya meets the breaking point

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A/N: Only a few more chapters until this story will be complete! There may or may not be a sequel I'm still thinking about it! xoxo Katie

Maya's POV:

I laid on the floor tears streaming from my face, there are some things that happen it life that no matter how hard you try to escape it, you can't.

Once Josh said those words, he disappeared.

I knew why I was seeing him, he was trying to remind me that this baby I was carrying was my second.

"Maya," Lucas busted open the locked down. He saw me laying in a pool of my tears and went directly down to me, "Baby."

"Lucas I'm sorry-" I said through the tears.

"Sh," He said stroking my hair, "I'm here now, everything's going to be okay."

"No," I lifted my head up to see him, "It's not, Josh he-"

"He what?" Lucas asked his eyebrows furrowing.

"He was fake, I know that, but I was imagining him for a reason."

"When people go through traumatic events-" Lucas tried to understand.

"No," I shook my head, "That's not why."

"What is it?"

"I was pregnant before we were together, and before Josh became abusive," I said softly hoping Lucas wouldn't be angry.

"What?" He said in shock.

"I had a miscarriage so early, and Josh was so sad. He was so excited to be a father, he picked out baby names and everything," I said recalling the event in my mind.

"I'm so sorry," Lucas hugged me harder, "I'm going to protect you and this baby."

"You're not angry?"

"Of course not," Lucas kissed my forehead.

"Good," I smiled, "I was thinking if it's a girl we should name her Katy, after my mom."

"That would be amazing, but we could name her Riley, after Riley Matthews," Lucas said.


It was nice to finally be back at the apartment, it felt like days since I've been here.

"So Maya, we never really talked about how we are going to support this baby," Lucas said as we sat down on the couch.

"We're so young, maybe we should consider adoption." I suggested.

"No, definitely no." Lucas said, "There's no way I'm going to let someone else have our baby."

"It makes sense, I definitely wouldn't want a failed artist who can't even graduate high school for a mom."

"Don't talk about yourself like that," Lucas rests his arm on mine, "I can work."

"So can I," I added, "It may not be my dream job."

Lucas ran his hand through his hair, "Can you imagine what my mom will say?"

"She was just starting to like me, too," I laughed, "Lucas we should talk about what happened earlier."

"About Josh?"

"No, about you calling me a slut and demanding me around."

"Maya I didn't mean it, I was angry-"

"I know, but if we raise this child there are going to be many times where you get angry, and I can't let you do that to or in front of our child." I told him.

"I know," He sighed.

"What you said really hurt me," I told him, "I haven't been happy for a while."

"I'm so sorry, I'll do anything to make you happy," He looked up into my eyes.

"I want this baby to be adopted into a nice family," I told him.

Lucas shook his head angrily, "No Maya!" He stood up.

I jumped from his sudden movements. I got up from the couch.

"This is my baby too Maya," He yelled as I back up farther from him.

"Lucas," I said concerned.

"I love you so much Maya, why would you do that to our baby?" He said sounding a lot like a boy I used to know.

He looked at me his eyes reflecting what I saw in Josh.

Lucas' angels where leaving, and his demons were here to stay.

My stomach dropped and I felt such a strong pain I didn't even know how to respond. I love Lucas more than anything, he just gets so angry.

My heart broke knowing how Lucas used to be, I've broke him. Lucas thought he could fix me, but I was too damaged and now he is too.

Lucas flipped over the coffee table causing a loud crash noise. Out of familiarity I ran into the bedroom and locked the door behind me.

I cried as I heard more things in our apartment being destroyed.

Jacob warned me a long time ago that this would happen, that Lucas would reach his breaking point.

I was scared of him, and I should never have to be scared of my husband.

Lucas and I have been through too much to be the same people we feel in love with months ago.

"Maya," I heard his voice, "Open the door."

I couldn't speak through my hysteric crying.

Suddenly I felt a strong pain in my stomach, it was like period cramps but worse. I let out a horrible cry from all the pain.

My memory was foggy, but I remember Lucas busting through the door like he did earlier and he picked me up before I blacked out from the pain.

A/N: I'm on spring break which means I'm going to update a lot, so expect the final chapter soon!

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