twenty-eight :: maya meets lies

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Me and Lucas walked back into our living room to see Jacob patiently sitting on the couch.

I sat on the far side of him, and Lucas sat in the arm chair right next to me.

"Tell me everything, Jacob." I told him.

He looked up at me with his big green eyes and said, "My father, he used to best my mother," He looked down shielding his face, "So when she left us, I was alone with him. Every girl I brought over, or liked he would force me to hurt them."

I gasped in shock. How could anyone do that to their own son?

"I swore to myself I wouldn't you, Maya." He looked back up to me, his perfect jawline tightened.

"Then why did you?" My voice came out light and soft.

"I don't know," Jacob started to tear up, "I don't know why I do it, I blank out and when I come back to my senses I block it out."

"That sounds a lot like..." I say looking up at Lucas, "Lucas."

Lucas seemed a little embarrassed but he handled it well by saying, "It happens when I hit douches like you."

Jacob almost laughed, "I guess were alike."

Lucas looked disgusted by the thought, "We are nothing a like! I would never hurt Maya."

Jacob laughed it off again, "Until it takes over you too."

"What takes over me?" Lucas asked confused.

"You're anger. One day you guys will fight and Lucas will get so angry he blacks out and who knows what he will do." Jacob explained.

"No," I instantly denied it, "Lucas would never do that!"

"That's what I thought." Jacob said to himself more than to us.

"What?" Lucas said louder than expected.

"You'll break Friar." Jacob said.

"He won't." I yelled.

"He will if I tell you how I feel about you, Maya." Jacob smirked.

"What?" Lucas said even louded than before.

I brushed my hands through my hair, "How could you possibly feel so strongly for me? You've known me for like two days."

Something flashed over Jacob's eyes, they weren't as bright and he seemed effected by what I said.

"You don't remember." He sighed, "I shouldn't be surprised."

He was starting to get up before I stopped him by standing in his way. We were so close together our feet were almost touching. Jacob's eyes were looking directly into mine.

"When have we met?" I said.

Jacob smiled, "3 months ago."

That was when my mother died.

"We both were at the same party." Jacob started his story, "You were awfully drunk and every guy there was trying to get with you. So I brought you up to the top room. And I laid you on the bed and you just slept there. I sat and watched you sleep, creepy I know, but I was wondering who you were.

"You woke up still a bit drunk. You kept talking about a boy who physically and emotionally tortured you. You kept mumbling all these things. And I tried to calm you down but you wouldn't. But eventually you did, and we spent the night just talking. I know you so well Maya, you just don't remember."

Lucas pushed him away from him, "You don't believe him do you?"

"I don't know, I went to a lot of parties after my mom died." I sat on the couch.

I really did know Jacob.

He knows all about me.

"Let me prove it to you." Jacob said.

"What do you know?" I asked him.

I felt so violated with him knowing everything that's happened to me.

"I know Josh was your first." Jacob said and I felt my mouth drop.

My cheeks grew red, Lucas doesn't know that, I mentally scolded him.

Lucas turned to me, "You're not a-" He stopped before finishing the sentence.

"I think you should go, Jacob." I told him.

Jacob let himself out of the apartment.

"How come you told me you were a virgin?" Lucas yelled, "You gave yourself up to such a monster. Why didn't you wait?"

Tears began to well up in my eyes.

"Josh wasn't a monster then!" I defended myself, "Why can't you accept that I was in love with him?"

I could feel Lucas' heart drop. I knew in the moment I had taken it to far.

"You told me I was the only person you've ever loved." Lucas' voice cracked.

"Lucas." I sighed, "I'm sorry I-"

"I can't listen to you right now." Lucas looked away from me, "I don't even want me to see you."

"Lucas please," I started to cry.

"I have to get out of here." Lucas said grabbing his jacket.

I watched him walk away from me. He left me. When he promised he never would. The door slammed behind him.

And I was left alone.

Damaged [Lucaya AU]Where stories live. Discover now