eleven :: maya meets the bay window 2

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A/N; I saw this post on tumblr about how Riley is treated in Lucaya fanfics, and I want you to know that I'll never make Riley stupid, or super jealous, becuase I truley believe Riley Matthews would be happy for Maya. Plus I have a lot in store for Riley!

I let go of Lucas and I could hear Riley's frantic voice.

"Maya? Are you okay? I should have never let you go out alone!"

I turned to my best friend, "It's alright Riles, you didn't know what he was going to do."

Lucas pulled me closer to him, as my back pressed up against his chest.

Riley looked down, "I don't know what I would do if he hurt you."

I smiled sweetly, "He's not going to hurt me again."

"But how do you know Maya?" Riley asked.

"Someone promised me that he wouldn't." I said referring to Lucas.

Riley's face showed such a weird emotion, I couldn't tell how she was feeling.

"Hey, things are going to be confusing," I said and Riley looked back up, "But I want you to be there with me."

Riley smiled, "You deserve so much better than you get, Maya."

"I know Riles, but things happen for a reason. I think life is preparing me for something important." I could feel Lucas' hands caress my hips making my body heat up.

"Lucas," I turned around, "I want to talk to Riley, I'll be back in a while."

"We'll take care of Josh, Maya. Don't worry about it." Mr. Matthews said.

Lucas nodded and smiled reassuringly as I locked arms with Riley and walked into her bedroom and sat at the bay window.

"So you and Lucas?" Riley asked.

"Ya, me and Lucas." I sighed.

"I guess me and Lucas broke up?" She seemed confused.

"You two were never really together, and I'm sorry this must be kind of a shock."

"Maya, I love you. I want you to be happy. Lucas was always fond of you. Anyone can see that. I'm just happy you meet someone who will appreciate you."

"I love you, Riles." I said resting my head on her shoulder.

"Things are changing." She whispered.

"Hopefully for the better." I smiled.


"Riley's asleep." I said walking back into the living room after hours of talking with Riley. I was surprised that Lucas waited for me.

As I walked closer to him, I noticed he was slumped on the couch and his head was leaning  on his shoulder. He was asleep. And it was pretty cute.

I grabbed Auggie's cowboy hat and placed it on Lucas' head. I decided that he should know that just becuase he's more important to me know, that doesn't mean he won't be the victim of my many pranks.

I used a sharpie marker to draw a mustache under his nose and beard on his clean shaven jaw.

I laughed at my masterpiece. It was one of my favorite works yet.

I went back into Riley's room and tried my best to sleep. But I have a restless mind and a restless heart. Josh's voice haunts every one of my thoughts, taunting me over and over again.

I couldn't sleep without having terrible nightmares about Josh. It was such an internal pain that I felt I couldn't get out of.

I slept for a while but woke up early in the morning. I dragged myself out of bed and looked to see if Lucas was still there. And he was. Always there to protect me.



It was the next morning when I had to wipe off permanent marker from my face. Some things are never going to change.

All the moments from last night rushed through my mind.


I saved Maya.

She's unbelievably strong. I don't know what would have happened if I wasn't there to protect her.

I snapped out of my thought and sat on the couch.

Riley soon joined me with a concerned look on her face.

"Have you seen Maya?" She asked.

I shook my head, "I just got up." I said my voice cracking from being tired.

"Oh, well she's not in her room, and I don't know where she is." Riley rushed her words as she paced back and forth.

"Maybe she's just-" Before I could answer the blonde beauty stepped out of the oppisite hallway in which Riley came from.

"You're awake!" She smiled and I stood in shock and her appearance.

She had major dark circles under her eyes and she looked drained. I've only seen Maya like this once before. The day of her mom's funeral.

"Did you sleep alright?" I asked her.

"No," She sighed, "But I didn't expect to anyways."

I wish I could make Maya as happy as she makes me. I want her to feel safe, and loved, and feel like she belongs, and that she doesn't have to be a party animal to make friends. I want Maya to realize how she's changed everyone's lives for the better. And that I've been lost in her trance.

Mr. Matthews came out of his room and his face fell at the sight of me.

"Get out!" He yelled and I could hear Maya's goofy laugh as he forced me out of his front door.

Seconds after he shut the door on me. Maya opened the door her blonde hair perfectly framing her face as she quickly kissed me on the cheek and closed the door again.

That was something I could get used to.

I blushed at the moment. Her lips against my cheek made me warm up inside.

Once she figures out what happened to Josh, she won't feel the same.

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