thirty-one :: maya meets feelings

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A/N: If anyone can make matching covers for this story & Cancer that would be amazing! xoxo Katie


"It's your decision. Maya or me?" My mother asked me.

"That's easy," I simply said, "Maya."

My mother looked confused, "Why would you say that?"

"Maya would never make me choose between you two." I smiled, "And I love her."

"I can't be fine with your life decisions anymore, you haven't even graduated high school and you're already moved out and acting like your married." She frustratedly said.

"You don't have to be okay with them," I fought back, "You just have to be here for me."

She looked at her shoes than her green eyes hit mine, "I can do that."

"That would be great." I smiled.


An hour later...

I went into the living room after my shower and I saw Lucas wiping off the syrup from his face, but there was only Lucas.

"Hey Lucas, where's your mom?" I asked him confused.

My wet hair layed flat on my head, and I was way too lazy to blow dry it.

"I asked her to leave." He simply said laying his hands on the top of the couch.

"Why would you do that? You invited her in the first place."

"She wasn't accepting our relationship, she was giving me this ultimatum, it was terrible." He shook his head his green eyes glued to the floor.

"She's your mom, and somehow I know she'll get over this." I comfereted him the best I could.

Lucas tore his eyes from the floor and looked up to me, "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled, "Just because she left doesn't mean we can't do something fun."

"Oh ya? Like what?" Lucas' eyes lit up and his whole face changed in a heart beat. I always seemed to make him that way.

"You're not going to like it." I teasingly said getting closer to him.

"Tell me Hart."

"Iceskating." I said laughing.

"No!" Lucas protested, "Look at me! Does someone like me seem light of feet?"

"Come on! It could be fun." I pressured him.

"Fine," He gave up, "but I'm going to need a beer first."

I jumped in excitement, "Then I better go change."



Once Maya and I were finally done getting ready I looked terrible. We were wearing old baggy clothes that could fit someone on my 600 pound life. Of course Maya looked good.

She actually looked really good. She had on an old Oregon State sweatshirt that went to her thighs but it somehow looked adorable in the way it engulfed her petite body. She also had on leggings.

Leggings are my weakness. Especially on Maya. They fit her curves perfectly, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

I on the other hand, look like the abominable snowman. I was wearing a big, white and puffy jacket with snowboarding pants. I looked terrible. Maya made me feel even worse by making me put on ear muffs.

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